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Everything posted by viperface

  1. Re: Great Pictures~ just listened to co-flo - little johnny from the hospital today
  2. Hahah! this show is the best! Saw this episode where the nerd guy was stealing shopping carts! Then the other guy who's on parole was hired as the mall security, and got fired or something cause his friends were stealing shit from the parking lot. fucking great!
  3. mang, peeps should really learn a few basic things about photography and lens effects plus all that other shit before accusing mother nature or "shopping" maybe smash. :o i don't know. after a bottle of vodka fo' sho... edit: the possibility of monster thighs still exists :shook:
  4. agriculture, popular culture... Some peeps say culture when they mean civilization or society. Some peeps hate culture because it appears to be competing with the sports pages. Maybe if everyone agrees it's something thought out, processed and made by a man, we can fairly understand each other. anyway I guess a good example of corruption/exploitation of culture would be people who get paid for hustling around but don't take part of the actual creative process. In music industry for example a band like metallica is told: "you guys lose 100.000.000 $ every day because of internet" Of course they buy it, and want to do something about it. what they don't think is that there're lots of peeps in between them and the fans that are getting paid for the distribution, marketing and other shit. In internet that shit's ridiculously cheap I'm not sure how many bucks bands like them have spent on copyright protection, studio security, lawyers and other shit... but something tells me that paying to prevent people from hearing your music isn't as smart as, maybe to let go of some peeps making coffee&photocopies and really take advantage of internet as a media. I'm sure- In fact I know there's a shitload of bands who don't give a fuck if their albums are being shared for free, because they know more peeps will come to their shows. And not because their song is on MTV prime time but because their album kicks ass and everyone can hear some of it for free. There's still lots of people who want to get that CD and leaflet because the music, lyrics and layout are so fucking awesome. In my eyes, this "piracy" shit just takes care of all the bullshit product-bands that are consisted of shit-for-brains kids straight from a dance school, put together by a business man-- with the shared motivation of getting lots of money. If I wasn't starving I could go on about the motherfucking annual volcano/mars/asteroid/hurricane pieces of shit for movies, or MTV and how they have nothing to do with music and everything to do with irrelevant and scripted reality re-runs hope this helps,
  5. I'm 25 and most of the stuff people are reaching for seems quit worthless to me. All I want is enough money to fund my hobbies and decent food everyday. Career, profession, capital, education... They're all good but they're secondary. and this aint an opinion, it's an emotion or a state of mind. It's really hard to feel any other way
  6. it didn't know a winch handle
  7. I used to get these huge zits in the most stupid places, like in the middle of my nose or on the forehead symmetrically next to each other. That very much indeed leads to gay sci-fi. I'd look like some new star trek species with an extra bump in the nose that humans dont have. absolutely fucking stupid.
  8. I just realized I spent 20 minutes typing about socks and sock rules. Then I realised I need to delete that shit, call bullshit on this thread and forget that this all happened
  9. Hey, we're talking about pseudofolliculitis barbae here! Come on! Yall know this shit. Shaving 101 For the majority of the cases however the suggestions that we can point to in this article first have to do with shaving itself. Those with naturally curly hair will have more of a propensity towards ingrown hairs and razor bumps. Many have found a decrease in occurrence when using an electric razor (electric razors are also available for women) due to the fact that although the shave may not be as close as that of a blade, the close cut resulting from the blade may be the cause of the end of the hair shaft becoming so sharpened and easily re-entering a hair follicle. Especially is this the case with double-track razors. Next: Washing the skin before shaving is helpful in exfoliating and lifting the hair away from the follicle while softening the hair and preparing it for the shave. Then shave in the direction of the hair growth (perhaps even every other day). Shave in the same direction each time. For ladies: on the leg area this means shaving down instead of up. Shaving in the same direction (and not against the grain) helps to train the hair to grow out straight, thus preventing it curling back into the skin. Afterward a damp warm towel can be applied for a few minutes to further soothe and soften.
  10. I'd say they're sub-urban sporty middle class dumbasses
  11. what font. the title type is almost perfect. I'd reduce tracking though, no homo.
  12. these are shoes called "reebok" shoes full of cool and you can pump really it in very easy. colours express total control and performance quality-. original products, made for gangsters and pussy
  13. I've found this thread very informative and would like to thank all participants of sophisticating my ignorant, sexist self
  14. there used to be a nasty site at murman.com but it's been gone for years
  15. Kittens are fucking gay because I'm a hardcore graffiti writer! I bomb everywhere all the time! I'm insane
  16. I propose PINK CIGARETTE by Mr. Bungle Hush me, touch me Perfume, the wind and the leaves Hush me, touch me The burns, the holes in the sheets I'm hoping the smoke Hides the shame I've got on my face Cognac and broken glass All these years I've been your ashtray Not today I found a pink cigarette On the bed the day that you left And how can I forget that your lips were there Your kiss goes everywhere, touches everything But me Hush me, touch me Champagne, your hair in the breeze Hush me, touch me Lipstick, a slap on my cheek Your eyes cried at last Told me everything I was afraid to ask Now I'm dressed in white And you've burned me for the last time This ain't the last tine You'll find a note and you'll see my silhouette... There's just 5 hours left until you find me dead There's just 4 hours left until you find me dead There's just 3 hours left until you find me dead There's just 2 hours left until you find me dead There's 1 more hour and then you will find me dead There's just..................... [/nohomo]
  17. I had the playmobil indian motherfuckers with a tent and whatnot. you could shoot arrows with their crossbows too. I remeber when the indians scalped another playmobil figure, removing the scalp woulr reveal that their skulls were hollow and empty. I thought it was fucking stupid. Legos were way more cooler than the gaymobil... but you couldn't build anything with them anyway, so I wouldn't compare. As a kid I figured I might just as well skip the playmobil shit right away and move to G.I. Joe, sniper rifles and 3-blade chainsaws.
  18. ^i never got that far...
  19. I hear it's better to quit smoking once and for all, otherwise it will become a sarcastic joke, like in that overrated movie with Tom Waits and Iggy Pop: "It's ok to have a cig now that i've quit smoking"
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