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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. So you can finally pick me up now?
  2. Why weren't girls this slutty when I was 15?
  3. I don't think this really merits 4 separate threads. I mean, dumbasses come on this site all the time. Virs? Kristy? Dance N' Graff? This chick has nothing on them.
  4. We have bacon, we have ham. That's it. We're so similar, yet we just can't get along...
  5. Do you not have ham in America or something?
  6. I think Canadian bacon is just something Americans cooked up. PUN INTENDED LOL!!
  7. Dude there's like 5 threads on this bitch already. And it's getting old real quick, like.
  8. Congratulations, there's like 50 different links in the Myspace thread.
  9. I'm jealous. Scandinavia is high on my list. Why are you going? Just for a trip? Regardless, you'll have fun.
  10. I've heard mine are rather good as well. I challenge you to a cook off to the death.
  11. Scotch eggs are awesome. I lived on the one-bite ones from ASDA a few years ago. Jackson will know what I'm talking about.
  12. The hitman or whatever you want to call him was so awesome. Best performance I've seen in ages. I'll give the movie an 8 out of 10.
  13. I got my fill of live sex shows in Amsterdam. I have seen things that haunt my dreams to this day....
  14. My girlfriend and I leave for Vegas tomorrow. She's never been and last time I went was with my family and I was underage. Does anyone have any reccomendations of what to do there other than drink, gamble, and drink? Off-the-beaten-path type stuff, not touristy bullshit. Good bars/restaurants etc. Does Dee38 still come on here?
  15. Am I the only one who finds it funny that she posts a picture fo herself driving in a thread about her car accident?
  16. Just come out a get drunk with me then.
  17. You've been making some really Tease-esque threads lately...
  18. The meat one was great. I ate barbecue the other day and I can't imagine how they oculd eat 15 pounds of meat. I don't think people realize how much that is. This show's been on forever up here, is it only now getting played in the States?
  19. What's really gruesome is that he was one of the country's biggest pig suppliers. My mum stopped eating pork specifically for that reason.
  20. Robert Pickton is a pig farmer from British Columbia who was charged with the murders of 26 women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, but he claims to have killed upwards of 49. He picked up prostitutes and drug addicts, lured them to his farm and basically slaughtered them. To the best of my knowledge Canada has never seen anything like this, and so it has pretty much been the biggest murder trial in the country's history. I can understand the need for fair trial and all that, but come on, who in their right mind thought this guy wasn't guilty? From the endless amount of overwhelming evidence to his own taped admissions, this trial dragged on waaay too long (he was arrested in 2002), and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. It just turned in to a bit of a circus.
  21. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/12/09/pickton-verdict.html Pickton found guilty on 6 counts of 2nd-degree murder A B.C. Supreme Court jury on Sunday found Robert William Pickton guilty on six counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of women who went missing from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The seven men and five women on the jury returned to the court in New Westminster with their decision after nine full days of deliberations. Lead Crown lawyer Mike Petrie, centre, leads the prosecution team back to B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster on Sunday to hear the verdicts. Lead Crown lawyer Mike Petrie, centre, leads the prosecution team back to B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster on Sunday to hear the verdicts. Pickton, a 58-year-old pig farmer from Port Coquitlam, B.C., was arrested in 2002 and had been charged with first-degree murder in the six deaths. He also faces a second murder trial at a later date in connection with the deaths of 20 other women and had pleaded not guilty to all 26 charges. After the jurors delivered the verdict around 11:30 a.m. PT, Judge James Williams asked them to recommend a prison sentence. "Ordinarily you would be free to go at this time because the determination of the appropriate sentence is usually reserved for the trial judge. However, in this instance, Section 745.2 of the Criminal Code requires that I ask your recommendation as to the length of time that Mr. Pickton must spend in jail before he is eligible for parole," Williams said. "You are asked to make a recommendation as to whether Mr. Pickton should serve more than 10 years in prison but less than 25 before he is considered to be eligible for parole." ----------------------- I don't know how much attention, if any, this has been getting in the States, but up here it's been a pretty big deal for the last couple of years or so. This trial seems to have dragged on forever, and they still have to have another one for the other 20. Pretty fucked up regardless.
  22. He doesn't come around here much anymore.
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