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Everything posted by AyeBee

  1. AyeBee


    Ended up gettin em today...only pair I found in any stores around here, $90
  2. AyeBee


    Word son...5's is poppin, 6 is droppin, all that good shit
  3. AyeBee


    I could definately fuck with these
  4. AyeBee


    Stolen from Boston thread...that middle pair is fresh as fuck
  5. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! That cat is awesome...I come out my room in the morning and say whatup to him, he meows back and shit. Then when I tell him to get up he comes runnin after me and follows me around the house. Way cooler than most cats
  6. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! And him right before my cat bitchslapped him across the bed I miss havin a dog :-(
  7. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Him passed out after a few hours of runnin around with uncle AB
  8. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! I think I posted this already in this thread but fuck it, he's cute My sister's dog and my foot
  9. AyeBee


    Bought these today
  10. Man, I wish I could talk my girl into lettin me do this Goddamn self respect
  11. Man...I knew that was gunna end up here No homo/incest
  12. AyeBee


    Fuck NikeID...muthafuckas jerked me around for 3 months, then say they can't ship my order and hafta refund the money. Then when they refunded it, it was short $7...I guess Nike was havin a bad week and REALLY needed my 7 bucks
  13. AyeBee


    Horse RFL...Rhode Island
  14. This dude Same is a savage
  15. Re: motorbikes! I wish I'd known of her existence earlier...I woulda worked my way up to President of the fanclub by now
  16. AyeBee


    I keep my hat game simple, all black, all brown, and all red Bostons. However, some of the hats in here are pretty dope
  17. AyeBee


    Really feelin this, but not sure how authentic they are...anyone got any insight?
  18. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Ok I figured out the attaching thing, just had to allow pop-ups from 12oz to make it work..now just the quoting
  19. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> No no, I don't wanna add an image URL, I just wanna attach it to the post. And I figured out how to quote posts, but not how to quote them and bring them into a diff thread
  20. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Anyone on here wanna tell me how to attach images (I click the manage attachments button but it just tells me a pop up was blocked but not how to allow it) and how to quote posts over into a new thread? Can't figure out either on the new board
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