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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. anyone read the girl with the dragon tattoo?
  2. bleach helps once you've gotten it. but you can get these anti-outbreak wipes for before you get exposed to protect against it, and wipe off after to get the oils offa ya.
  3. i wasn't into catch 22. stopped reading it. i was sort of disappointed in myself. then i started pride and prejudice. sheesh i don't like that either, i'm starting to think most stuff is going to pale in comparison to tolstoy.
  4. well, euros say "make wholecar action" instead of "do a wholecar" isn't exactly wrong, but it sounds hilarious. and i was thinking "i got 3 hours left on this shift" but the proper grammar is "i have 3 hours left" i have no clue why i prefer saying got. i'm not normally all over the ebonics. and beano. :haha:
  5. sitting here at the call center on my volunteer shift for some godawful fucking reason, 12oz is like the only internet site that will load and i gotta kill 3 hours. on another note, i'm sort of a grammar nazi most of the time but for some reason i love to say got when i should say have. like i love when euros say make instead of do.
  6. STOP quoting that long post. let's get back to the flicks thanks.
  7. who cares! back to the flicks. \please.
  8. !@#$%


    circus eddie?! wtf indeed.
  9. !@#$%


    ^let's stop power posting. condense the commentary, send a PM or whatever, but please don't go off in a FLICK thread. i see that you DON'T GIVE A FUCK but threads are better without post after post of words.
  10. gifs already? c'mon. graf flicks. once the thread goes off the rails there is no getting it back on track.
  11. please post carefully. don't post links, don't post gossip i will edit out anything that has information in it thanks for your cooperation.
  12. Re: the gif thread wait. don't we have a gif thread? why are ppl posting in here?
  13. please save discussion about skinny cats, unplugged stoves and hospital bills for PMs if it's that important./ back on track, thanks for your cooperation.
  14. so what will it be next? SoUthSiDe g00gle GanGsTerZloxzercat?? :rolleyes: i know you'll be back. so don't be the cause of a closed thread.
  15. oh for chrissakes. y'all sound real dumb. don't keep posting this crap in the thread or it's banhammer time.
  16. well, this isn't really the place for the back and forth arguing. and bux. just shut the fuck up. this isn't an art class. no one gives a flying fuck if you think someone's pieces don't have "personality."
  17. ok, everyone's pissed. let's not derail the thread plz.
  18. !@#$%


    let's get back on track thx
  19. !@#$%


    ^if it's a problem, handle it on PM. no need for e-thuggery and a whole page of your back and forth
  20. !@#$%


    what happened is people talk too much fuckin shit for a flick thread.
  21. waiting waiting waiting for the wax to dry so i can get to work in the lab
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