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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%

    Orlando Thread

    there are ENTIRE PAGES of commentary in here. PLEASE chat via PM, keep your conversation on here limited. DO NOT gossip. ansd please do NOT post blackbook pages in Brickslayers or quote pics, especially flicks from the same page or previous page. Thanks.
  2. ^fucking disgusting. i hope that piece of shit gets his face set on fire.
  3. finishing up with that RNA waiting for the spin to be done.
  4. RNA extraction. hurry up with those DRGs cindy. k thx.
  5. word. i'll get to it sometime.
  6. public libraries may censor lolita. cop it somewhere like a used books store i dunno. burroughs, is not really my thing. i looked at naked lunch a long time ago and put it back. and i have spent time around junkies waxing philosophical. i'm not a fan. he had such a great cameo in drugstore cowboy i suppose i will give him the respect he deserves, but i have a ton of other books i'd rather read first. i might do the Dark Materials Trilogy next. sounds fascinating. still trying to shake off blood meridian. what a fucking book. i felt the overarching theme was basically that in this miserable and cruel world, he who is most depraved shall triumph over all. kinda true and really sickening. i'll never see the wild west the same way. and i even knew some of the truth before.
  7. i'm finishing up blood meridian and wow. that one takes a little bit with it when it's done. harrowing. i'm gonna have to read lolita, it's on so many best novels lists and i'm trying to read the classics. that would prolly also include stuff like burroughs, which i can't say i'm too keen on reading. as for all the weird kids shit, literally haha, no thx
  8. Re: JUST NEW YORK SUBWAY TRAINS ok i just merged a new third rail thread with this one. carry on.
  9. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! mang, i love these fuckers. :heartbeat:
  10. wondering why I'M doing this dissertation work, when it is NOT MY DISSERTATION. i fucking hate academia.
  11. i think a ton of what is implied, like mass rape, child murder and skullfucking or some shit, is never actually described in great detail. even the scalping only garners a sentence or two at most. for example, the wikipedia entry about the asian holocaust is far worse in terms of graphic descriptions of violence. imo. meh, it is getting more brutal as it goes, but it is still spare prose.
  12. haha nice additions but the pig is pretty awesome
  13. as for language, i have found the following phrases usually take you as far as you need: hello excuse me please thank you how much is this i want that i'm also big on traveling light; i refuse to check bags
  15. we learn more and more about ya all the time! :haha:
  16. nah, i don't give up on books. Infinite Jest is the only onie i have and have not finished. i tried it twice. so dense. plus it [blood meridian] continues to draw me in, i'm really getting into it now that the characters are being developed more. it has such a sinister undertone to it. and without being graphic. great stuff. and yeah, people are writing about everything. still. ha
  17. !@#$%


    an old coworker did vancouver to SF pics were amazing. i know a few girls who have done cross country, and my man's dad did it a few months ago. pretty rad
  18. well, the molasses isn't as refined as white sugar or corn syrup and supposedly, the molasses has a lot of minerals in it, so it hasd some nutritional content. one of our dogs occasionally likes ot eat dirt and we heard she may have needed minerals, she doesn't eat dirt much anymore, i know that. ok, so i checked the content, the molasses i use has potassium, calcium, B6, magnesium and copper in it. so the pups get the flavor, the sweetness, and nutrition :)
  19. try the local animal shelter. they may at least have somewhere/something to suggest
  20. btw our dogs eat about 1 part chicken (3bs), 1 part broccoli (3 lbs), 1 part rice (4 cups), cooked in water with about 1 cup of molasses in a crockpot on high for about 3 hours and blended
  21. wordup *to melinoe.. really? i have heard of dogs having arthritis but i didn't know it was that painful for them. maybe get a second opinion? do you know anyone who can recommend a vet? i hate to say it, but there might be something a veterinary orthopedist might be able to do with her in therapy. might be big bucks though. i haven't ever heard of any holistic remedy for that sorta shit.
  22. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! dude, onions are bad for a dog's kidneys. garlic too. along with chocolate, raisins, grapes, onions and garlic have toxicity for dogs. please, do not feed your dog those particular ingredients. i make my dog's food.. or i get my man to do it but we put all the ingredients in a crock pot, and it cooks all day then it's pureed with a hand blender. i would not spend all fucking day on that shit.
  23. sirius developing a western running RT PCR but really, waiting for 5:00 pm to arrive.
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