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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. meh, chillin at work. did my boss's work. done with mine. prolly leave early.
  2. fucking tragedy. RIP.
  3. seriously off topic, but you made me think of this
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear stayposi you know whats up. just stayposi. can you last 3 days without it? . relax, i told you in the thread i'ma open it back up! haha damn! i waaaant my 8 3 ooone !@#$% suki! what up lady! i tried to find you on fbook since you aren't around here much can you believe it about cali? i almost wanna delete some of his posts so he can't leave on 33333 and has to come back to restore the post count :haha: mangs, it's weird being around here for so long, watching people come and go, but mostly just go. !@#$%
  5. mostly this :rolleyes: bout to leave work
  6. ok. now back to flicks of graffiti
  7. thanks for reminding me.. i just got done deleting over 300 posts of bullshit from the end pages of the last dallas thread so at least there is some worthwhile stuff in the end, and moved it to THE VAULT section. but don't say, why did they close the other one?! it was endless talking. this one has been decent, let's keep it up thanks.
  8. !@#$%

    831 cali

    get ready to take a breather, prolly gonna close this for awhile. and once again, DO NOT START A NEW THREAD thanks.
  9. !@#$%

    831 cali

    take some time to learn about what EXIF data is and how to DELETE it from any pictures you take (and especially any you share or post) ..your camera can fuck you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format The metadata tags defined in the Exif standard cover a broad spectrum: Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and time and save this in the metadata. Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation (rotation), aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and ISO speed information. A thumbnail for previewing the picture on the camera's LCD screen, in file managers, or in photo manipulation software. Descriptions and copyright information they can also match your picture to your camera http://www.utahether.com/2011/01/24/good-advice/
  10. oh the beach. damn you! :haha: ok. trying to decide.. tokyo? buenos aires? mac desktop?
  11. !@#$%


    this has sorta been answered already but.. i've ridden fixie for about 11 years and have basically refused to get shoes that clip in (also called 'clipless' gatdamn sorta misnomer) i hate bike shoes, and i ride to work and don't want to change. so i use these i do NOT race. but it's always worked (some of my messenger friends have laughed at me over the years but fuggit) that said, my new balance fit in there just perfectly. luckily i have ten pairs or so i have one pair of nikes, and they don;t go in there very well at all. they also make slightly bigger, more cumbersome ones. ............................ i felt crazy riding in traffic when i first started. i got over it really quickly riding on sidewalks can be worse, i have knocked glasses off of a restaurant table and slammed into a pedestrian. oops.
  12. !@#$%


    the fixie trend has most definitely gone away in my city i can really tell, because every time i visit my dad inthe 'burbs about an hour away, i see a gaggle of 16 year olds on fixies in his neighborhood it'll prolly never die in SF. it's like you get off the boss and your hair instantly grows in front of your face and someone hands you a fixie and a bump of coke. i can't wait til the weather improves. i think i'ma do more riding this year. the allure of having a car again has totally worn off. i still want a messenger bag i can put my dog in though. i haven't been active much, but i've been only walking stairs and i've noticed an improvement in stamina. going for my first acupuncture appointment later this month, REALLY hoping that improves the joint and muscle pain that's been building for the past 2 years..
  13. !@#$%

    831 cali

    what the hell? seeing all that shit about teh oontz on the comments section of that salinas article is weird. you kiddos be careful, clearly people there have a hardon for ya and they are using the shit out of this thread. i suppose it may be a good idea to close it temporarily. if that happens, please DO NOT start another one, i'll open it back up after a week or so... feel free to PM me if you'd like to offer your opinion.
  14. let's get back on track with graf flicks. thanks.
  15. false TPBM eats cornflakes 24-7
  16. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear seyseysey i love it when i feel great it does make me feel like something terrible is about to happen though :haha: today has been a good monday. even with the wind. maybe it was the vibes. !@#$% dear cG i see you're at 33333 posts so.. you're going for 666666 right? :p you better be back. !@#$%
  17. RNA extraction & purification. just ordered over $1500 worth of reagents for westerns. luckily my boss is fuckin awesome and we're prolly getting that grant.
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear earl, what a great find! thx for posting !@#$% dear cG um, just temporary i assume? !@#$%
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear boss once again you're awesome thanks for leaving early today, and telling me when love this job !@#$% dear winter time to be over i'm ready for skirts and short sleeves. !@#$% dear 3 ladies popping out babies in may i'ma have fun crocheting baby booties for you already have one done !@#$% dear awesome quilt i'm gonna make you. !@#$%
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