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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. pics or the talk gets deleted. thanks
  2. i hate when random shit ends up ruining some attempt at a good deed. it's a bummer. prolly where 'it's the thought that counts' comes from. anyway. staring down another day of oontzing/molecular biology. yowza. gotta reschedule my tattoo appt.
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cali oh yes. yes i will smoke a lot of weed and enjoy this Vday great weather, too bad i can't enjoy it ... thanks, happy valentine's day to you too !@#$% PS
  4. saw serial mom last night love that flick but watched this a few nights ago and enjoyed it.. coupla twists in there...
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear earl just take a long break it helps. come back refreshed. hell, even if it doesn't help, shit's not really all that bad. just more of the same. !@#$% dear boss sorry i've asked for a decent bit of time off and now want more but i gotta get this tattoo finished up !@#$%
  6. ^use the force wisely laughin about how dumb people are.
  7. mccarthy devastated with me with blood meridian i was so affected by it i don't know if i'll read his stuff again ..doesn't surprise me at all, what your brother said. the writing is totally annihilating it just about snuffed out what little faith i had left in humanity powerful stuff.
  8. !@#$%


    enough of all this bullshit talk everyone knows where everyone stands let's move the fuck on. further discussion via PM or it may be deleted/banned
  9. the wire is pretty excellent. i didn't watch it at all until it was over then i ran through the dvd's like ....lawrence taylor at a crack house? i dunno. pretty fast though.
  10. so little i'd have to say no. only a few words really.
  11. i guess the "u" shoulda been a dead giveaway.
  12. hahaha it's the internet. i can't always tell when people are being sarcastic and i thought you were jokingly referring back to that convo we had the other day like you still thought i mad.
  13. fist, i've been meaning to check that out since it's by the guys that did the wire. thanks for reminding me. runine naw i mean really. we've never met right? and i've learned over years of meeting people offa this site that their e-persona doesn't double as who they are. so who knows. if you know someone i know, well that prolly also goes for a ton of people on this site. but my actual friend list is short.
  14. ...mista pit i love dog friends. when they sleep on one another it's so adorable. those pit smiles are awesome.
  15. !@#$%

    831 cali

    nezmo, learn how to relax. i'll give you some time off so you can marinate on it.
  16. hahahaa that's a sweet phrase and srsly WTF. that's so lame. i read heart of darkness in high school, well, pretended to read it. i didn't like it but i did well on the tests.. the guy's points were a little obvious. maybe to the point of being ham-handed. i know what you mean, i'd prolly have gotten through it if i hadn't HAD to keep checking the endnotes. if they'd been footnotes, at the bottom of the page, it would have made so much more sense i have no idea why the editor/publisher did that to the readers. just cruel.
  17. haha you reminded me, all the endless endnotes in infinite jest killed it for me. i had a bookmark in the back just so i could flip back quickly. sometimes it would be some weird name of a psychoactive drug, other times it would be a short story in and of itself. sometimes you'd have to read it to understand what was going on, other times it was just some short bit that didn't matter. strange how authors do in their own books. i couldn't finish it and have tried to read it twice, only to make it about halfway through and move on i hate endnotes. footnotes aren't as bad but still a little annoying
  18. ha. speak of the devil. i also tried lolita and it did not interest me at all. read about ten pages and just did not care. maybe i'll try men without women but his style of prose isn't really my taste. maybe some of his other characters aren't snots . ha. dunno
  19. ^ it was a decent read. i went veg a few years after reading it and never looked back, not sure how much influence it actually had on me though i dunno, i'm just not a hemingway fan. fist, def try it again, i tried to read gatsby in high school and hated it then as well it's a really fast read too.
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