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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%


    hmm, it's real simple though, i just refuse to buy yet another type of shoe. \check out my high heel shoes thread in duty free. i'd like to get louboutins, not some bike shoe. but that's just me. obv i know i lose power but i don't care. i don't race and the hills aren't nutty. i'm thinking of getting rid of a fuji crosstown i was given. really not my thing at all. but i wouldn't just toss a gift aside. i've ridden it a bit but just can't get into it. might be getting one of these: $219 no special shoe required. lull
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear people will you ever learn? i seriously doubt it but every day you convince me of how dumb humans are they might even be getting dumber. how can someone be so clueless? i really don't get how something so obvious can possibly be misunderstood. i'll be glad when i leave the human race !@#$%
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    ^yes, that way you can get shot the next time someone pulls their gun out. dear gun owners * In the six states with the highest rates of gun ownership, an average of 53% of households owned firearms; in the four states with the lowest rates of gun ownership, an average of 13% of households contained firearms. * From 1988 to 1997, the high-gun states had more than 21,000 individuals who were homicide victims, compared with 7,300 in the low-gun states * People living in the high-gun states were 4.2 times more likely to die in a gun-related homicide than those in the low-gun states, and 1.6 times more likely to die in a non-gun-related homicide * After controlling for rates of poverty, urbanization, unemployment, per capita alcohol consumption, and violent crimes other than homicide, the association between rates of firearm ownership and homicide remained significant. reconize.
  4. birth control pill i'm hungry.
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    i've been living in a dengerous city for awhile now though when i was shot at, it was someone i knew i've had a gun pulled on me once while i was on a bus and another time i was in a pizza shop while it was robbed, and everyone got the gun pointed at them (it was only a counter and a small space to sit, there were only 3 of us in the store) the gang of kids that jumped me was kind of stupid. i'd lived here for so long and i'm not afraid to go anywhere, but this wasn't even a bad hood. they were from around the way (some low rise housing projects) and were out looking for trouble on a friday night i was just inthe wrong place at the wrong time. i got bitchslapped in the head with my steel Ulock, and then they all ran off because i was bleeding so bad. didn't even get my bike. i'd say all things considered, this is just life in the big city however, move on over to crossfire where we are discussin the implosion of the middle east, and you'll see i've commented that in my older age, i'm coming to realize that the heart of man is nasty. people are cruel and unusual, and we just do our best to get by. ... dear life you are up and down and all around sometimes i hate you sometimes i love you and i have no idea what, if anything, comes next. !@#$%
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    yeah, i've had a gun pointed at me twice and i've been shot at once. it sucks. and once i was jumped by a gang of kids and beaten up pretty badly. (stitches to the dome piece) definitely a scary experience. i'm hoping nothing like that happens to me again. or you. glad you're ok gurl.
  7. trimming shittalk out of bslayers threads. heating up cell media wondering where that chessie i got back in 2000 ended up. wishing i was someplace else.. like on a gorgeous beach with warm weather, a cool drink under an umbrella and a sweet new bikini
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    you saw some people get jumped after they complimented your tits? just clarifying....
  9. those dalai lama ones are awesome also diggin the einstein one about marriage i love the oscar wilde quote: America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.
  10. !@#$%

    831 cali

    damn. forgot this shit for a minute. now we're back on track. let's not post anymore sketches in BRICKslayers thanks
  11. had me lol'ing ..doing day 2 of the western trying not to let the doubt and depression seep in
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear seyseysey i went through this, too many times i stopped getting excited about shit unless i arranged it. maybe that's why i loved doing solo vacations so much meh, don't be bummed. his loss. and better to find out how flaky people are sooner rather than later. !@#$% dear earl, i thank you. courtesy and chivalry are dying !@#$% dear ********* step your game up. now. !@#$%
  13. sheet. bout to leave work. accomplished stuff today just ordered caps.
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dearest earl um. what can i say. that's a good one for bad tattoos. lull. !@#$%
  15. !@#$%


    word. i just enjoy riding my fixed gear. it gives me kind of a feeling of unity with my bike that i don't get from my mountain bike. i'm not anti-gear or anti-brake or pro-hipster i just enjoy riding it i'll tell you what, getting a fixed gear into/out of buildings, elevators, up and down stairs, it's just so much easier than with any other bike in my opinion. i am small but the thing is light and easy to move. there is one other thing i adore about my fixed gear: it's SO easy to maintain. occasionally i do something to the chain or have to change a tube. that's it really. people are pretty uppity about fixies though, and it's hilarious to me.
  16. sitting here at work. i should prolly do sumpin.
  17. !@#$%


    ararararararraaraagajaaagjhgghhgghghghghg [chewbacca sounds] his is prolly the best. the yoda one needs ears. and the jabba one needs 1000 pounds C3PO, boba and darth might not even be recognizable except to mega-dorks. fuckin ppl. star wars was the death of itself.
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear calig someone told me you'll come back one day as a mod dream predictions better be true haha !@#$%
  19. !@#$%


    damn decyfer those are some nice rides. i kinda want one of these
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM AHAHAHAA nice! i have had an oontz dream, but not in ages can't even really remember it nowhere near as awesome as yours.. on my plane though babe, you can always pee for free :p now please return your screen to it's upright position !@#$% dear WD thanks for calling me back that was a nice lil sack though it was slightly disconcerting pulling up and seeing 3 cop cars right by your house !@#$%
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