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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. finished morpholino injections i should be making embryo medium instead i'm sitting here. hmm, free pizza around the way, bout to grab some
  2. !@#$%


    haha wow. looks ripe to do a face plant
  3. the never ending parade of idiocy continues...
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear rolf i'm tryin. more to come but i doubt it'll be as interesting to boys as what i've been posting. thanks !@#$% dear nbb thanks for sparing me i'd go look, but i've filled my 'chicks inserting dildo into vag picture' quota for the next 10 centuries. i'll take your word for it, and think of that pic i saw of the same thing on oontz the other day.. that sluts thread. almost forgot. dammit. !@#$%
  5. i went to cabarete, DR, a small town in the north, and it was lovely. i'd recommend it to get away from the super touristy areas of the DR. ecuador. been thinking of visiting ,only have a travel book also considering peru. i was so planning a trip to tokyo. not now :(
  6. word. one thing i forgot about vegas: http://www.thegunstorelasvegas.com/ i shot an automatic AK, an automatic uzi, and 9mm with silencer. it was fun. we also did the rollercoaster and mushrooms. i'd do both again.
  7. i hate vegas. didn't care much for LA. SD is gorgeous but too rich for me. endless amount of stuff to see and do in SF if you haven't been take a stroll in at least a few neighborhoods, the wharf and haight among them. you must get a burrito from the Mission, i'd recommend La Taqueria 2889 Mission St or Taqueria Cancun 2288 Mission Street and definitely get into a grocery or convenience store and get one of these SFMOMA is a cool museum, i'd stop in. reduced admission thursday evenings.
  8. scrolling fast through tits. developing my western deciding whether to set fish up...
  9. !@#$%


    aww damn. yeah, we're not on an island so it really helps plus we buy a ton of shit ;) i dunno, also saw a very similar (electra cruiser) bike on local craiglost for $125 and they claim it's been ridden thrice. the dollar has lost a ton of value but luckily inflation hasn't exploded. dunno, if i were you i'd at least check ebay periodically. seems like a lotta stuff on there is in pounds.
  10. !@#$%


    decyfer, best part is that bike is $219 and is a good bike, so she might not have to wait that long....ha
  11. do NOT post stickers or drawings in blackbooks in this section of the site. talk shit via PM and don't post the damn PM in here. thx.
  12. don't get any splinters.
  13. hmm, not sure why i lost all those cookmefood posts in the merge. sorry about that. COOKMEFOOD this is the chicago thread feel free to repost flicks BUT DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SHOTS THAT HAVE PEOPLE IN THEM!! do everyone a favor, and assume that NO ONE wants their FACE posted in here. you'll be banned if it happens again. thx.
  14. look at the name of this^ stoopit spammer. what a pea brain.
  15. now attempting to read the count of monte cristo has not yet drawn me in
  16. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear NBB bwaaahahahahahahaa wow. !@#$%
  17. the fall guy. lull. ..and i think i'm slipping out of that decade a little here ahh time/ flying
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear NoeM yeah, thx for the advice but i'm right there with you it takes a lot to ruffle these feathers. i take a sorta karmic interpretation of life: if you let shit get to you, you'll always been umad better to just have a decent attitude and outlook and things stay even keeled !@#$%
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear sey i love psych. i took a few classes on it in college my dad has a minor in it, generally i love to analyze people and especially to figure out what motivates/drives choices that they make. anytime you'd like to discuss it i'm down interesting how we are hampering our own ability to expand by relying on convenience and ease as the route to perfection !@#$%
  20. forgot all about that sign language lady AND hypercolor. :haha: i liked this dude. did NOT like this dude.
  21. waiting for that bitch to kick the fuckin bucket
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