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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear cG you have PMs and email turned off. were you serious? if so of course i can. !@#$% dearest seyseysey thx babe. today is much better..... so far! !@#$% catty Mccat ^.^ welcome back. !@#$%
  2. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear moogle. thx for the lolz. !@#$% IHATEU i honestly don't know what up with that. psm might be able to help or at least give some insight.. if you've got an inquiring mind.. !@#$% cG nail that shit! to the wall! med school entrance is no joke. good luck. !@#$%
  3. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear nsmbfan thanks. it's gotten me into trouble people say they want honesty but really, most of the time, they don't. they usually only want what they need to hear. i've toned it down in life but it always bubbles beneath the surface . .. . !@#$% IHATEU i've heard people complain of this but i don't know how certain people would have certain privileges other than by some weird fluke. doesn't the board allow you to edit until a few hours after the post is made? as far as i know, you have a short window of edit time. (and that allows you to delete in the edit screen).. am i wrong? i know people are always PMing me asking me to edit/delete stuff for them [and i do] but it's not a common additional ability for members. btw, is that thing still happening where the bottom of the post says 'edited by such-and-such' but it's just a bug, and in fact nothing has been edited? i haven't noticed that in ages. !@#$% seyseysey i'm with you. my dogs knocked me down on the ice this morning and i broke my fender got a flat on the way to work. ugh !@#$%
  4. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    of course not, it's just people have a really limited interpretation of shit said on here. it's either titties, a joke, or u mad. post whatever the fuck you want. except porn, as stated in faq you don't honestly think i care about stuff in here do you? cmon. lighten up. i care about real stuff. that happens in life. posts, threads, opinions and shit on here are just incidental. i find it funny you saw that post and got all :confused: and think i'm angry. really, what's so hard to understand? just because i'm being succinct and direct doesn't mean i have some problem.
  5. is that the new model of sex robot?!?!?!?!?! /kidding the one where she has the santa claus beard is weird.
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear egypt/masr destroy the system! with love !@#$%
  7. ^ha let's chill on the e-thuggery thanks.
  8. audition is decent but i prefer these korean flicks: i liked it better than oldboy even. this was entertaining, the last is a little strange. it's a trilogy of short films.
  9. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear sm maybe you should start talking about your period whenever he starts to tell those stories. bedbugs are serious shit though, the infestations are apparently super costly to get rid of maybe you should have him fired :haha: i dunno about that really but seems like a problem. i think they can live in clothes but i'm not sure good luck with that nastiness. !@#$% dear run1ne you seem like you have a brain between your ears. don't make me doubt it by getting into u mad babytalk. i know it can be a strain to imagine people feeling things other than anger but you can do it !@#$%
  10. i fixed it a prop from me and he went from a red to 3 whites. as cG says, the force must be strong with me :haha: that's awesome swif, good for you!
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear freekeenyc i had a to cull a mouse colony by hand i also used to decapitate rats. i've killed hundreds :( now i work with zebrafish. much better model organism. or cells. !@#$% dear run1ne yeah, you love huge weapons and killing small animals great. do me a favor and don't repost the story. !@#$%
  12. ugh weed is no use when the cold or flu hits such a bummer. chug nyquil and dayquil i hate that shit but it does help.
  13. already been it was awesome met some people did some stuff. right now i'm posting waiting for my gel to set poly-l-lysine to dry excitement. i build it.
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear university gimme a snowday. cmon sun. !@#$%
  15. damn boxcars. is that sister from the same family? great tombstone and epitaph.
  16. i'm trying to save money. stackin paper. that's why i'm eating this: just stressing. i wanna buy a mac and go to japan. or somewhere. thx.
  17. that's artemis from always sunny.
  18. OMG FUCK RADIOACTIVITY seriously it is SUCH a bitch to stay compliant they wanna come inspect the lab every 6 months you have to keep a crazy disposal log about what happens with the radiation you are using i remember at serious university oner a few years back when the yadda yadda lab lost about 200 millicuries of radiation and the state regulators went nuts. started visiting their lab like, once every two weeks. so no, fuck southern blots. avoid them at all costs. i was just running a couple DNA gels to check on my digest then precipitating it to use in an in situ hybridization probe transcription reaction. yup.
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