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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. HAHA not sure what is going on there, but um, yeah.
  2. oh please.. umad because i speak the truth? i don't care how anyone dresses, it is what it is.. but a sexy bumblebee? y'all are just in denial if you don't think it's all just a way to wear something a lady wouldn't usually leave the house in how bout the sexy golddigger? seems aproppo these are great outfits for hookers. when a guy says 'they all dress like sluts' there is applause but when i say it you want to moan
  3. halloween is just an excuse for lame bitches to dress like tramps gets skimpier every year :haha: i think this year i might dress the dogs up got some sewing skills so it could be fun. we have a jampacked vacation in the weeks leadin up though... i might be stuck in a turkish prison lull
  4. taking a short break from work... made a fuckin tattoo appointment YAY! now back to dechorionating...
  5. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM one person can make a difference half of oprah's show was about people who were turned into activists because they saw a need, and filled it i bet you could lobby corporations to help you. no limits baby haha seriously. go for it. lots of people want to help, they just don't know how all deaf people need is a chris reeve/michael fox type (and you don't have to be a celebrity to become a champion for a cause.) !@#$%
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM i totally missed your announcement. congrats! that's really wonderful i hope that you get comfortable with them and it's practically like 'normal' hearing. i read some stuff from helen keller recently in which she was saying that deafness is by far a worse disability than blindness because you get so cut off from everything. i really have tremendous respect for people who deal with that shit. best wishes to you !@#$% dear grd i never did like vacuums haha !@#$%
  7. yeah, we're in agreement on that take on classics madame bovary was a bit of a slog because i found her to be in-fucking-sufferable if she was my lady i'd kick her whiny ass to the curb.. as a fiercely independent woman i didn't identify with it even a little bit, and found her to be so weak. i did finish it though, i found it very easy reading count is far more dense.. and i dunno, it's not a bad book but for whatever reason it never pulled me in palahniuk is easy .. i'd toss if it i wasn't into it, but his books take me about 2 days to read haha i should read The Stranger.. one of the last on my list of 'classics i should read' brave new world i really like.. interesting take on the future, and a little too close to reality. i stopped reading lolita after about the 3rd page.. i knew right away it wasn't for me. kinda got a case of the ewwws *and btw, i personally found the English Patient and Atonement to be pretty fucking convincing love stories that didn't involve someone being total perv hahahaha [responding to the quote on the cover of that book]
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear facebook deactivated you again hopefully this time it'll stick !@#$%
  9. mmm.. maybe i'll check it out i've read a number of serial killer books but i'm not sure i care too much to hear what they have to say. i don't respect them or anything. i actually REALLY wanna read 'the stranger beside me' anyway, thanks noem, i'll def consider it
  10. i think this is more a personality type thing; once the ball is rolling, the momentum shouldn't be stopped, even if it's pointless to go on. i've tried to read infinite jest twice and quit about halfway through each time, so now it's almost like a challenge. i'm not into count of cristo but my man and my dad really lik eit so i;d like to get to the end just so i can get closure on the story.. i kinda want to know what happens, though some of me doesn't care that much. the other thing about count is that it's listed as a classic, and i was on a classic reading kick. this is one of the last ones on the list (and i already couldn't finish catch22 so i'm not giving up on another one so soon)
  11. me and my man absolutely LOVE that movie i've seen it a few times. when we were headed back from a vacation overseas, this shitty flight attendent was flirting with this insufferable army guy on his way home from duty or some shit. they were about 3 feet away from me and were annoying as hell. finally the plane takes off and the movie starts.. it's The Informant. and it's a plane where everyone gets the same movie played in the aisles. we are dying laughing throughout it, and about halfway through the army shithead gets all disgusted and throws down his headphones.. he didn't fucking get it AT ALL. couldn't even stand to watch it on a 12 hour flight. made it even better
  12. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    grd, it was my first zipper ever and i did it on the first try with no form! probably means the next 20 i do will be fucked up hahaha there is a place i found a tutorial on making your own form off a mold you make on your body! so awesome! i keep wanting to do it but i've lost TEN POUNDS this summer! i can't believe it. i hope i put some weight back on.. then all my new clothes won't fit. haha damn damn damn my man has some old work sweatshirts, i'm going to make them into dog sweatshirts.. they are gettin so hooked up this winter haha !@#$% ps here is the link to the how-to http://jezebel.com/5803791/how-to-make-a-custom-dress-form-part-one
  13. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd hahaha be safe and have fun honestly i don't envy that plan :p !@#$% dear ladies who give a crap i am getting better at sewing, i made a fitted skirt the other day out of non-stretchy material and i even put in a zipper. feels pretty awesome i might even extend my 'will not buy clothes' rule into 2012. !@#$% dear weekend lots of events on a potential agenda but will i leave the house to do anything except walk dogs and paint? ol lady oner dear meds thanks for making me forget that pulled muscle in my neck and dear larry, it wasn't cunnilingus !@#$%
  14. go ahead and continue to post your boyfriends luckylisp, malcom reynolds, whatever new screenname you got off myspace i will just continue to delete it and ban you. the longer you keep it up, the more obvious it becomes that you can't paint, can't get pussy, can't leave your man's computer alone...
  15. trying to hard to slog through the rest of Count of Monte Cristo so i can start reading the Hunger Games
  16. ^meh. gosling is great though. loved Blue Valentine but i wouldn't recommend it. i saw this the other night and i enjoyed it thoroughly as a cerebral scare flick as a scientist who thinks we're way overdue for a repeat of the Spanish Flu, i thought it timely and well-researched and gat-damn did soderberg get together an amazing cast
  17. for fucks sake, don't ruin your own thread. stop all the endless chatter if you wanna back n forth you should take it to PMs
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear chubbs wondering that myself. ask not for whom the bell tolls oontz it tolls for thee !@#$%
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear football players pretty cool you flipped that truck to save a preggo lady nice. !@#$% http://rivals.yahoo.com/highschool/blog/prep_rally/post/Iowa-linemen-flip-burning-pickup-truck-save-pre?urn=highschool-wp5258
  20. going over murals is dumb. i'm not mad about it, it just tends to say a lot about people, scenes, all that shit there's lots of great places for graf, and murals isn't one of em. i agree, it's a toy move, or at least the move of a culturally and intellectually devoid moron graffiti is what people make it.. so yknow, go over murals all you want but in that same vein, don't be pissed when someone goes over your stuff.
  21. thinking about how long it's been since i've been to a dentist. sorta shameful but my teeth look decent
  22. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear fist best of luck to you in that situation seems pretty terrible i don't have any regrets about not making marriage a goal and all the time, the positive aspects of that decision get reinforced. gosh, dogs are way better aren't they? no regrets about not doing that either. sorry to all those who are having marriage problems. maybe you all can go in on a divorce lawyer. my bff got divorced last year. of all the folks i know who got married more than 5 years ago, there are still quite a lot that are still married though i guess it does work for some !@#$%
  23. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear fist666 after watching my parents i'd say a happy and harmonious marriage takes about 2 decades and they loved each other to death. it's a struggle. don't think dating can be much better though. !@#$% dear Noem I know what you're talking about now and what can i say :nope: it sucks !@#$%
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