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Everything posted by ..J.J.Jockwell..

  1. T̺̟̹̰̳̺̟̪̫̺͎͓͕̙̲̜ͅI̤̤̮̩̯̬̰͉L͕͍̦̱̬̤͎͇̖̱͈͉̱̗͕ ̱͖̗̗̩̮̠͇̲̬̣̱̖̙̩̙̗̻N̜̲̥͔̝͓̱̺͇̼̥͔̣͖̩͙̮ͅḘ̹͓̥͎̰X͇̹͎̘̖̳̱̳̲̠̲̙̯̼̯̞̩T͎̬̤̠͎͇̦̹̬͕͍̯̟̩̭̩̫̟ͅ ̤͕̗͎̮̺͚̭̱͎T̳̟͎͖͙̞̦I̫̺̟̯͉̫̜̳̤̲͙͕̙̱̩̠͈̲M̤͓̪̖͎͇͈̲̱͚͓̰̗̝̱͔̮̙E̟̯̼̻̮̦͓̗̱̰̬̪̪̺̻̖ͅ ͓̯͍̤̺̺̙͈̤S̞̫̺̗̰̹̹̺͙͚͓̤͙Ṯ͎̱͚̘͚̟̯̤̪̥̯̰̩̦A͓̯͓̮̮Y͕͖͈͍͎̭͕͈̙ͅ ̜̣̰͖͓F̠͎̤̝͈̥̰̗̹̼̺̞̯̟͙̖O͉͈̫͇̱̠ͅG̞͚͎͇͎̯̳̬̣̣̙̝G̝̙̺̪̗̞̘͇̻̠̲̙Y͙̲̫͚̙̬̮̮̙͎͖̹̝
  2. Haha! this reminds me of a homeboy of mine, came at me with some ridiculous shit a few months ago, i guess he's a dead ringer for a jonas brother or sum shit so he gets alota club/mall ass etc, but hes only got like 4 braincells.... me: Wuts up homie? jonas bro: ahhh not much man(all emo) me: Oh ya? Wuts up with that u gona cry? jonas bro: Dude... i knocked that blond chick up i was fuckin me: Well thats wutcha get for raw dogging that ho....So...Wut u gona do bout it? jonas bro: Dude...(still all emo) fuckin cost me 850$ for an abortion...fuckin sux man big time me: 850$ oh ya? like u guys already paid for it? jonas bro: ya i gave her the loot for it 2 days ago, and she wont return my calls man... me: Thats cuz shes too busy spending yer money fuckhead! jonas bro: Wha....what ya mean? me: bro 3 years ago shit cost me like 400$ for an abortion me: Did ya go with her? jonas bro: na me: is there paperwork? did she go to a doctor? jonas bro: na me: she go for an ultrasound? jonas bro: na man me: Whens the last time u banged that bitch? jonas bro: last week man... me: And when she tell u she was knocked up? jonas bro: Couple days after that... me: Are you fuckin shitting me!!!!!? jonas bro: Why man....? me: So yer telling me within a span of a week or so she got pregnant, had an abortion and took ya for 850$? me: I know yer a moron in all but think about it, does that sound right to u? jonas bro: (thinking 5 seconds).......(emo to rage in 1.5 seconds) FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I dont know how u get yer calf looking like this? Thats sum hypo robot roid shit right there
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