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Lonesome Cowboy Bill

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Everything posted by Lonesome Cowboy Bill

  1. as a sheltered middle class white liberal from the suburbs, I am offended and applalled by the crude and vulgar use of the n-word. Please refrain...
  2. anybody remember Go-bots? they came out a year before transformers I think, then got blew away cuz transformers were more intricate.. but I myself collected both... ^^this guy became a motorcycle and was the leader perhaps of the good guys? anybody?
  3. ^^yeah I've quoted some of his work before on crossfire...
  4. isn't society, or any society, a social contract? It's my thinking that if we share a homeland or a city or a county or state, then it is our duty as a member of that society to contribute to its well-being. The fairest and most efficent way to contribute is by taxes. Taxes on disposable income specifically, and those with more disposable should contribute more. That's fair. What's not fair is people who say, people should only contribute if they feel like it. Given this option, most are not gonna. And to this dude who keeps quoting 18th economic philosphy: dude its the 21st century bro. The shit is as relevant to today as is 7th century Islam...
  5. I went skiing for the first time xmas 2004...was too xanaxed out, twisted my knee and almost got into a fight...sucked wickeed bad..will go again soon hopefuly
  6. on behalf on John Birch, I would like to accept my "Birchie" Thank you and esp my mom and dad and of course his holiness, Muhammad, who comics I could not live w/o... Thank You btw, to keep this threead on point, dod anyone see Bush's budget proposal? He plans to cut $78 milion from geo-thermal energy reserach... kinda contrary to his SotU address, eh?
  7. I thought this thread was about neil diamond
  8. an American paper is finally publishing the photos: http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Home
  9. this is why its good to have kids, you have an excuse to play with toys again.. but I usta love the lego container ships and fishing boats...I was in Target a few months ago and when into the toy aisles and damn the new shit sux.. GI Joe, Legos etc etc...
  10. but i think niggas be missing my point here, what i'm saying I'd rather deal with people writing on my car or house or having to listen to racists like Dawood (lol) or the KKK than not....plus it is of my philosophy that freedom of speech upsurps property rights...refer to the 5 and 14th admendment to the Constitution
  11. I'd fuck her, plus I bet they have good meth
  12. btw, I be not an idiot, I'm just an arsehole
  13. but the question is, what is English?
  14. oi vey...didn't I already explain how I feel about those who critique's other writing styles? muhammad cartoons>property rights in oregon...word
  15. I never heard of him an listened to rap since 1986... (to at least 1994) Good riddance!!!
  16. fuck you, I still do...community service or a little jail time doesn't bother me when it comes to free speech, let alone a felony record...
  17. then sir, you are not a real Bostonian... http://www.popvssoda.com/stats/MA.html ^^btw this is a good site for those interested in what people call tonic or soder
  18. as a resident of Mass., I'm offended that a bunch of inbred anti-democtaric rednecks are co-opting the name "minutemen" the only minutemen are residents of Boston area. They might as well call themselves the viet cong or the Isreali army...its just as apt but the truth is, our economies are linked...and don't forget the US southwest is part of mexico, irregardless of which gov't owns it...as long as the demand is there for mexican labor, there will be a supply...basic economics
  19. I bought my dvd player, my softball glove and xmas lights at target...
  20. I don't care what any of you fuckers say... I still beleive in free speech, NO MATTER WHAT I'd rather have gang tags on my house, swastikas drawn on me while drunk and passed out, homeless drunk guys with jesus signs downtown, crazy ex-taggers turned muslims on graf forums, dressing up as muhhamad/suicide bomber for halloween, and using the term nigga or even nigger cuz i feel like it... and I'd rather deal with that shit than not having to deal with it... I may be an igorant crackhead scumbag who drinks way too much and does way too many drugs and writes his name on shit, but at least I have the FREEDOM to do so, so I don't give a flying fuck, send me to fucking hell or even worse, heaven, at least I sleep well at night and have a clear conscious when I wake up...AND AM STILL TALKIN SHIT!!! and for that hypocritical faggot who deleted my kike/muhhamd/looter/jersey boy flic, fuck you, you did more for Osama's agenda with one click than he ever could do flying a plane into NYC...
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