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Everything posted by THANKYOU

  1. this past year, and the start of this one has been my worst year in 15 years as far as being sick goes... i blame it on the partying and drinking to much. and all my weight. in the past id maybe get sick once a year if that.
  2. caligurls one upping her posts niggggaratchi
  3. ive gone a few times now, good way to release stress. i cant shoot longer than an hour or so though, just gets kinda boring and tiring after that.
  4. them thighs = good lovin. man i love some nice thighs, i bet she has a fat ass to match, my fav! edoggs mad cute to. damn
  5. good piks all, thanks for sharing. thanks to the mods for letting them ride to...
  6. ive been fucked up more than ever last year, and a lil this year so far. from strep throat, to flu like symptoms, to a stomach virus, to horribly bad allergies. a good majority of my problems stem from the weather going from hot to cold and rainy to hot as hell, and then there's the amounts of alcohol ive been drinking wearing my body down. so ive joined a gym and vowed to only drink on the weekends again, and not to get to the point where i blank out...
  7. just got back from a 2 hour fuckathon. i'm up like a mother fucker. chea.
  8. hahaha fuck the world has gone to shit
  9. woke up, allergies still killing me, feel like shit. still do. got on the ounce. washed clothes. hoped in the whipola to go run some errands. went to fry's for a camera bag for my camera. bought the camera bag and the dopest movie ive seen in a minute. went to HEB for some groceries shopping. awww fuck, i totally fucked this picture up. push up helper outters. fucking commercial got me... /no homo. while in HEB, copped me a lotto for $7. won my money back = success not fail. about to go grab Dinner from here...
  10. that guy is saying OLA not FAIL. you....: fail.
  12. he's going to get elected, then be shot, cuz he's blackola.
  13. he's going to get elected. then shot, because he's black. watch.
  14. hahaahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: not at you jackson.
  15. jenga... the boat version! waka waka waka
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