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Everything posted by THANKYOU

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that amaze is crazy... if illegal. jibs! honke and gator!
  3. -loser's visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success. -fortune cookie -the step may only be a tiny one, but trust that it may be the largest one possible for now. -fortune cookie -if you don't program yourself, life will program you. -fortune cookie -everyone is the architect of his or her own future. -fortune cookie -procrastination is the fear of success. -fortune cookie -if you have a job without aggrevations, you don't have a job. -fortune cookie -venture not all in one boat. -fortune cookie -a man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he gives up. -fortune cookie -don't be discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. -fortune cookie -opportunities multiply as they are seized, they die when neglected. -fortune cookie
  4. i love quotes and sayings... keep them coming
  5. whats up with notebooks? i had about two notebooks so far, both of which ive sold now, but when i had them, i didnt use them all that much, because i prefer desktops. but my question is this... it seemed like after a few weeks / months of non use, when the computer would be turned on again for use, it kept getting slower and slower? what the fuck for? there was hardly any info on the HD, and like i said, i didnt use it all that much, so why did it seem like it was slowing down all the time? use it or lose it steez? what gives?
  6. someone bump the outlaws thread
  7. it guys make great money no doubt. but that doesnt make you any less of a pole smoker.
  8. CHILDISH ASS NINJA! deleted your whole fucking account why dont ya! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: fucking e-nerd.
  9. youre the man lord casek! i.t super guy of the world!
  10. is it wise to use that "air blow spray" to clean out your computer fans etc etc? does that stuff work / really make a difference?
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco ADIOS is fucking ruthless.
  12. HITOP is a dope name, dig the work to...
  13. this kid in my neighborhood had a great dane, shit was real nice looking, all grey, super athletic... fast as fuck... and crazy as hell it would chase cars and keep up with them no problem, we'd be laughing our ass off
  14. my new dog.... named her "sadie" and my cat carmela.ski
  15. thats myspace page worthy...
  16. hahahaha, i imssed the piks? why did the kid take them down
  17. take a pik of the trunk and post it!
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco word up, GATOR is fucking sick with it
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco what are some of the acroynyms for pcf? just curious
  20. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> on my brothers computer, when he scrolls down in explorer its really choppy... like its going down and the page lags or some shit.... and chops the page up while scrolling down how do i fix that?
  21. what are you guys doing about spyware and viruses and shit? im having a ridiculous time with that shit right now on my new computer... its a homemade computer has a amd athlon dual core processor, like 2.8 or so... 4 gigs memory 3 hard drives and a dvd / cd burner... and its slow as fuck at times. i know its spyware mainly... but the shit that trips me out is, on this new computer all i do is go here: -myspace (which i think is a huge cause of it) -12oz -bme tattoo website -my bank -yahoo email -few other random sites. *i dont download porn, or music on this good computer, yet its still going slow...* and im also on highspeed internet. MAINTER- hook it up on some advice for me. hit me up on aim if you'd like. -> ibteaser thanks in advance
  22. 3 questions: 1) ok, say i open a new folder on my desktop, and it has a bunch of pictures in it... how i set the "view" options to "film strip" and have it do that for all my folders on the computer? 2)in internet explorer... when i open up a new window, it pops up a small window instead of full screen, how do i make that automatically pop up a new window in full screen and stay that way? 3) on my new computer, my sata hard drives have never really worked properly. they show up as two individual drives as oppossed to one single one combined (they are two 200 gb... should be just one 400gb)... the nerd/smart guy at the store i go to to get parts from said if i didnt have service pack 2 on my xp before installing the sata hd drives... they wont work right... what should i do?
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