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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Haha that fucking power ranger is going to be in a fight. I wonder if he will get his ass handed to him?
  2. Mauler5150


    Yeah those are pretty much impossible to come by over here, hence getting this thing to tide me over. After playing it at the arcade I thought what the hell I might as well get one. I saw you playing online, you seem to have moved up a couple ranks haha. I am still languishing to idiots as I come to grasp with this stick. Will take me a while unless I get a bat top I think, because even in the arcade, I only lost when I used the balltop stick. Anyway man thanks for the links, from what I have been reading you are better just replacing the parts in the Hori, as it is much cheaper apparently, however I think those 2 extra buttons would help immensely if you were to set them to be macro buttons. How many hours have you put in now, I think I am about at 120 or something.
  3. Mauler5150


    I just got one of these to play SF4 on, but I hate the knob style joystick. Where can I get an actual stick style handle like this? Any help is appreciated
  4. Is there any plugins I need for Nero7 to be able to burn certain files (flac or various video formats) that I can download?
  5. Damn Theo, you kill it mang. This thread makes me laugh so bad, when you are at the library it isn't really a good thing, but all the new additions are awesome, best thread on 12oz without a doubt.
  6. That MK one is genius Theo. I am getting those strange internet cafe stares from my laughter again....
  7. DAOjangles and dildao killed it. I am laughing my ass off in some internet cafe and the guys are looking at me weird. Brilliant new additions though.
  8. Brock Lesnar is a beast but seriously, the sport needs a villian. It is fighting for fucks sake, and how the hell are all these guys meant to be 'friends' and shit when their objective is to knock the other guy out as illustrated in that gif?
  9. Damn these new additions are just too much. You killed it though Earl, I would prop you if I could but I need to spread it around like Africans spread that AIDS virus
  10. Damn that is almost too much DAO for one photo. Some brilliant new editions. This thread can never die.
  11. My data used to stay at 26GB dld and 30GB uploaded but lately it has gone back to 50/50. I think if you get a lot of external torrents from there it doesn't count to your ratio as I know that I used to upload a shit-tonne that wasn't counted. Whats fucked is my new ISP counts uploads towards my usage quota. I fucking hate aussie ISPs...
  12. DAO as Luther, now I have seen it all! Props Theo!
  13. That gathering in the kiddy pool one is awesome LUGR. Keep it up.
  14. City of men was not that bad, haven't seen city of god but I shall say it was worth watching, just it was so predictable that it wasn't funny.
  15. This wasn't too bad, if not a little predictable.
  16. Oh it has some good bits, like when they run over the biker with the bus, the chicks head getting blown off, and just the premise that meth makes people this crazy, as well as some of the worst acting imaginable, it almost becomes a must-watch, ahhaha.
  17. This was ridiculous, but I watched it the whole way thru Red this shit about it: "On Christmas Eve, ten strangers board a bus traveling across Texas. Far out in the wilds they collide with a meth-addicted biker. Forced off the road by other members of the gang, the passengers take refuge in the hell hole of an abandoned scrap yard. They use improvised weapons and sheer guts to mount a defense against the murderous bikers but, as their numbers dwindle, they realize that their survival depends on doing the unthinkable. They must go on the offensive." So cheesy it is funny at times but its just, I was laughing at it the whole way through.
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