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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    Yeah this is what happens to me, I am always gunning for the flag or whatever and to hear faggots crying "8 and 30, why don't you just give up already" when it is their camping ass' fault that I have no cover when running for the flag that I die so much, I just tell them to get fucked. Me and Swindle had some fun last night, I now see what it is like to play properly (without horrendous overseas hosted lag matches) and I was a bit more competitive, but GBM, you must fucking destroy at this game. Hvae you gotten a few nukes or something to climb so fast?
  2. Mauler5150


    Well with Australia we are about as far away as you can get from Canada, and it really sucks if you are from here as you will only ever get a decent connection if you are playing with all Aussies. I had someone on my team talking shit to me today because we were playing that 'deliver the bomb to the enemy base' game and the other team was an organised clan, but this guy on my team just camped and racked up kills while not doing shit about the bomb and criticized me for trying to get the bomb to the base (with little or no support) and dying all the time. But yeah I was really suffering with lag this game but some people just don't get that at all. In all I don't think I will play that game again, seeming as it attracts dickheads just wanting to camp and rack up kills.
  3. Mauler5150


    Haha, yeah you got me there, but I was blasting at you. Fuck I hate living in the arse end of the world sometimes, my net is fucking ADSL2 and 20MB/s and I still can only manage a 2 bar connection at best. For me to get a kill I have to either get a headshot or blast for like 3 days and then hope people die. Its rather fucked but I guess at least I can play it now.
  4. Mauler5150


    He killed me a couple of times. How does he have that silenced weapon when he is such a low level, or does this game import things from COD4? Or did he thieve it like I usually do from the people who are high levels?
  5. Mauler5150


    I see him online, does he want a couple of team deathmatch games before I head to bed?
  6. Mauler5150


    Damn missed out. This game is fucking sick, just been playing the single player, it is fucking hard as hell. Took me so many goes to get past that favela level, fuck those cunts were pissing me off. This is so much more intense than NW, I can't wait to get onto the team deathmatches.
  7. Mauler5150


    I got it for $82 Au which is pretty good since every other shop was charging $119. And there were no lines when I went in my lunch break. It is fucking sick, the bridge co-op stage was pretty fucking mad, but how on earth do you pass those breach stages? That shit is intense!!
  8. Some1 are you back? I miss your hilarity around here!
  9. Mauler5150


    I think I will avoid the huge release day rush and wait a week or so to get a copy of MW2 as it seems that around here doing so will save me between $20 to $30. I have been burned too many times on games already, so fuck it, I can wait for this.
  10. Mauler5150


    About time you got that, I see you have been killing it man, your fucking points are off the chart. I have been too distracted to play it lately, but I was getting pissed off at making the final match then having my connection fizz out and losing all that progress which kinda put me off SF4 for a bit. Haven't played any games for a couple days as been too busy with another new toy, but I will say I was addicted to Forza the other day.
  11. Mauler5150


    Been playing Forza 3 all day, its really good if you like car games. Also been playing Bully, but haven't gotten into COD4 at all yet, maybe I should before MW2 comes out. But anyway if you are after a driving game I recommend Forza3 for sure.
  12. Mauler5150


    OK , so in light of copping a RROD, I decided to go buy a new Xbox elite and it came with Forza 3 and COD4. Also downloaded the GTA update and it is pretty fucking hard so far, but I am digging it. Also got Bully for cheap so will be getting some use from this new Xbox I am guessing, I just have too much shit to entertain me at the moment as my amp should be here by Monday, fuck lol.
  13. Mauler5150


    I just watched the multiplayer BASE jumping preview for the new GTA addon, and it looks fucking sick! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2eGVAhDCw0
  14. Mauler5150


    Anyone going to get the Ballad of Gay Tony? I watched a preview and it looks pretty sick, but I hope it has a bit more lastability than The Lost and Damned. And has anyone played the Warriors game in XBL arcade?
  15. Wow that one in the orange top, hell I would do a helicopter prison break for that bitch ahah
  16. Can anyone tell me how I can make my wireless network more secure. I am running a D-Link 801.2/2.4GHz router from my Speedstream 4200 modem, and was wondering how I can make it so I need a password to access the network wirelessly so the neighbours can't leech off me. Oh and I am using Vista if that helps.
  17. That dude with the lump on his nose looks fucking scary. What the fuck is wrong with his skin? Leprosy?
  18. Damn this thread gets funnier by the day. Probably my favorite thread on here at present. Those hookers in Yearzone's post would all cop the D.
  19. Smash on the 2nd one that pornbooth posted. Hilarious thread.
  20. Mauler5150


    I was unsure whether or not to get MW2 but after viewing that I am ordering it tomorrow. Just been playing Monkey Island all day on the 360, it has been a good 15 or more years since I played it last and I can't really remember anything about it, so it has been fun.
  21. Mauler5150


    I noticed that the PS3 version of Street Fighter 4 takes longer to load and there is no difference in graphics (to my eyes). I found that really strange but I will always love PS controllers alot more than Xbox ones.
  22. That Millionaire one is the sickest for a while. Great work but why was the other thread closed?
  23. Mauler5150


    You should call her boxcars, a gamer girl can be either a real good lay or a really bad one from experience. And yeah SpyD I still play as Ken, I lose about as much as I win, still getting the hang of the stick, but I am getting better. I am going to upgrade my net connection so that hopefully I will have less lag, as it seems I lose to charge characters alot when it is laggy as I can't react fast enough (or predict what they are going to do). I am trying to do the challenges, but got stuck on Ryus 2nd hard and Ken's first hard challenge. Yeah its much better with the tick but as I said I am learning still and the curve is steep lol.
  24. Mauler5150


    You turned your av into a woman SpyD? I was losing to fucking Zangief players tonight so I gave up on it, and decided to make a DAO pic instead. I hate how much priority that spinning lariat has in SF4, I wish it was like the old games.
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