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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Well I can only speak for the one I slept with, but if She is any indication I would yes.
  2. Well I couldn’t go into the casino as the lockers where you store your bags were not only full but they were charging for the use of them like greedy, extortionate pricks. As if $13.50 for a pint wasn’t bad enough already. I’ll go back there with a full compliment next time believe me
  3. I have gone for a walk around Perth along the riverside and across the bridge that the city put up that links to the casino. A bridge which happens to have my name on it coincidently. I was told that I cant go inside the casino with my tiny backpack which I find weird and discriminatory given they let girls with handbags in? I jest, yet am just drinking an overpriced Heineken before I put my bag (which just contains the bag I was going to use when I buy groceries on the way home and my airpods Max) before I go and play a session of “God Plane” for the day. It is 12.52pm right now and I have a half a beer left so I can give those who are currently betting against Me and “God’s house” in the pursuit of money obtained via games of chance their opportunity to leave now lest they be given a one way ticket to Hell.
  4. Just theorizing on the "Are Asians aliens?" conspiracy theory, by presenting some supporting evidence along with the fact that they are stereotypically intelligent and have no issues with eating bugs and things, never mind that their language truly looks like hieroglyphs. As I married an Asian I got my pass in regards to making such astute observations, and if anything I am being complementary to them (beyond the bug eating and using sewage as cooking oil -but you know we all have our foibles)
  5. Oh I know about old Rupert. I think his surname matches the University I am an Alumni of..... Seriously though, as a result of my university training in economics, is paying such exorbitant fees to watch cable tv really worth it when Youtube is still free? I couldn't imagine trading hours of my labour to obtain the funds to pay to watch tv shows every month, with a potential hit to My credit rating if I was unable to meet such contractual requirements. Or maybe it Is just that I prefer to live my life as opposed to doing it vicariously through others I watch on TV whilst I make them rich in the process. Yet again, maybe this is just Me and My tendency to overthink such trivial things since I broke free of the media back in 2007 when I quit watching the news.
  6. I left my nang dispenser at My Mum's place for now. I did expound upon the benefits of nang consumption in general conversation though. Although I am taking a break from them as they really fuck up your teeth if you have more than 12 at a time.
  7. If you want to mess with them, ask them why they have no eyelids, and then visit the UFO thread to view other eyelid lacking creatures, and wonder whether asians are like the evolved humans given such physical characteristics?
  8. About to eat a fat dick, I mean a George Floyd style banana.
  9. Awesome. I find the fact that a simple single word can trigger such humorous memories epic, as the world can do with as much laughter as possible.
  10. Not controversial at all I did a similar thing recently myself, although used gold to turn one that was carved into the concrete of my childhood outdoor basketball court at the local park near MyMum's place into Windmill blades. I am sure the time in 2009 when we met "The King of Soho" in London prior to Me getting kicked out of the Windmill for a Brazilian stripper putting her tit in my mouth only for My drunken amphetamine enhanced rambling seeing me accidentally bite said tit prior to Me having to leave the place and my best friend to witness the closing show in a hurry. This may have been told on here before, but since it was that long ago and I use this place as my vessel to "reveal the sins of my past" such that any teachings I make are revealed with full DISclosure of the person I once was being long since evolved from. I also went over my brother and My initials and names in gold after some prick had done my initials up in green, almost like a "Green light jail hit" had been put on Me here in Purgatory. Symbolism y'all. And. on the symbolism tip, what is up with iPhones smiling at you with a smiley face every time I use Apple Pay in some sort of subliminal programming that encourages Me to keep spending money I shouldn't be spending?
  11. Good luck dealing with Javinder and Company lol. I wish those well who dare take on such a task.
  12. Damn, I never knew that this thread existed, as I stayed in CH0 all these years while I focused on being a drone with aspirations of spending my life in a glass coffin (office) in the sky trying to make money and service "The Man". But now I have been a starving artist for so long and I remember my pre-teen artistic roots, it is good to see that the talent from the most isolated Capital City on Earth has been well represented and documented here over the years. I met a couple of artists piecing up a legal wall in Freo one of the last few times I was down there and had a quick chat. Next time I am down that way I will try see if I can get the names of those I spoke with from what they were working on and reconcile with this thread. Either way, I have mad respect for those who have held things down over the years, and respect to JESUS and J3DI who are all over the train lines with big prominent pieces from what I have seen of my journeys along the various lines of late.
  13. I’m thanking God and the Asian ECU Hospitality students who returned my phone to Me after a krumping attempt went wrong that saw My phone ejected from my pocket unbeknownst to Me. Whilst I am hypercritical of the actions many choose to take in their lives, such selflessness and good is not only recognised by Me, but appreciated.
  14. Also not being able to post anymore pictures to update and illustrate my stories is nonsense of the highest degree. Especially as the Bouncers here at the Belgian Beer Cafe locked the door on King’s Corner so nobody can attack Me from behind, so kudos to those who inadvertently look after Me, as this post extends my gratitude towards the unsung heroes who make My existence better as a result of their efforts to enhance the reality which I share with them.
  15. The fact you Americans pay good money to be fed such nonsensical indoctrination astounds me. While I appreciate the comedic double entendre undertones of the imagery, the fact that such a significant proportion of the population will use this as watercooler political talk for the next week really gives an insight into how deluded & manipulated the human species has become. Thankfully those on those board maintain a healthy balance between buying into the bullshit and skepticism.
  16. Also I offered all the tourists in the backpacker’s kitchen where I’m currently staying due to my Superannuation company making me jump through hoops a guided tour of my city by a local King to which they all declined. How stupid are these money centric tourists to turn down such an offer of accompanying the ultimate Wingman who not only would do everything in my power to help them sample the finest my city has to offer in regards to it’s female quotient, but I would give them the night they would never forget in that they were granted the ability to become an immortal and respected member of Team Alpo in the process? If there was ever nonsense to be encountered in life, the rejection of My selfless offer of being a hospitable tour guide of My city to random 20somethings is way up there.
  17. Whilst I have a half sister named Holly, the fact the piece’s author has the twitter name with “Ho” in it leaves a lot to be desired in regards to her potential bias against the male of the human species.
  18. After a rare divergence from Ch0 to Brickslayers and the Style/Burner thread to humble myself as the toy I am, I return to my throne at Kings Corner inside the Belgian Beer Cafe at Perth to look upon the 12oz sticker I left on the sign on William St that directs towards “Shafto Lane” and understand my true place in this world seemingly is one of inebriation. The solace I take from my one drunken night I will be able to experience in this coming fortnight is that “toys” are what women use to pleasure themselves in the only positive aspect I can derive from my lack of focus when it comes to piece composition and can control. And in case anyone wonders why I would crank “Push it to the limit” from the Scarface soundtrack as I headed out tonight, it is because I will get kicked out of the backpackers & will become homeless again for humiliating and dominating the boys who think they are Men there with My tales of conquering life I share if only for the purpose of exposing their misplaced egos in My desire to help them avoid the same egofuelled trap I found Myself in at a point in time.
  19. Looks like a beast of a bike. I have muffins sitting there to eat, yet I need to cut back on my food intake given I don't want to get any fatter, even though my Dadbod gut allows me to effectively grab a hold of it and close my eyes and if I concentrate enough, it is the same sensation as squeezing a nice, pert female ass hahahaha.
  20. I love your signature, you could have at least quoted me as the source though haha. And as an FYI Meridian is walking around NYC as I type this, (and you are in WI from memory?) so any local cats should keep an eye out and say hello if you see Her, and tell her Matt says Hi and he expects to see her posed with the HOPE sign I sent her on FB.
  21. Door glass. Trust the English language to sneak the enunciation of the sound of "ASS" into all kinds of other things.
  22. I’m headed to this induction course for an employer and have had to take the Midland train line for like the first time for as long as I can remember. Saw some cool pieces along the way, so props to the artists out this way. The only downside is that the companies the place I am going to get work from contracts to require Covid vaccines, so a trip to the Doctors might be in order this afternoon/weekend to get my “religious belief” exemption so that I can commence working without infecting myself with the zombrex needles.
  23. Enjoy such a privilege whilst you can. It is worth more than money to not have to deal with the (mostly negative) energy of others.
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