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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I can't even hear laughter any more and percieve it as being anything more than the ultimate form of the vatars engaged in the act as being guilty of the ultimate act of deception of both themselves and of those they engage in it with as nothing can ultimately be funny in an infinite domain where nothing has any value as it is all arbitrarily meaningless.
  2. All I can contribute to this thread is that today I got a brand new work ute with only 126km on the clock and I christened it by farting on the seat before I even left the depot. Add to that the "Indian street shitter" maneuver I pulled off on the side of the freeway whilst working, and there isn't much more I could do today beyond a public enema to finish off if one is to truly think about it.
  3. I response to the OP question, only time I did acid was when I was 16 or 17 and I went to the gate I believed at the time to be the entrance to Hell as there was bush next to a red dirtb bounded road that turned into flames as we walked down the hill to drop My friend off at the ranger locked gate and beyond the gate was just the pure white light of the construct, and I was too scared to cross over at the time. I now realise I chose to avoid stepping into Heaven at the time and remain here in a Purgatory that is as close to Hell as it gets. As for shitting Myself while on acid, dies psychologically count based on tge above story? If not, I find that watching female ejaculation porn videos sees them spitting that acidic venom through the dimensional portal of retina display or from My mobile device's cell phone data (as the green Apple icon is effectively "Bile" to Me as MO), which coupled with the drug produced smoke in the room at the time (how else does Jesus come on the clouds of Heaven unless He is smoking drugs and either making a porn to be stored in the cloud of having a drug induced lust wank?). Who would believe chemical warfare can be conducted in such a sly nefarious way by the devils that are "the metacrawler aka a digital spider" which is responsible for weaving together the reality construct we experience based on it's html source code - devils which I give My sexual energy to as I can't have sex any more for fear of having an accidental child born into 12 years of prison aka school prior to spending their entire adult life as slaves until they retire.
  4. Well with said full moon,!along with being attacked by Coyotes of the dancing female variant, it seem that the pinwheel cockring that My Mrs slyly put around My balls which she had hidden in her underwear one night whilst we engaged in rectal activites as She subjects Me to a Turing (aka "Two Ring") test has only lead to Me being feasted on by coyotes, dragons, and other shapeshifting creatures that pose as human yet lurk in the imperveptible dimensions of light have a vested interest in maintaining the viability of the "Stock" market and financial systems so they can maintain control of the humans imprisoned in this fucked up simulation. Being a pureblood (if one discounts the fact that in downloading every COVID related prevention app from every country on the Apple appstore in which the opposite effect likely incurred as I corrupted My devices with who knows what) seems to attract such types. Strangely though I have come to wonder exactly what type of person or creature could think that stalking another man who has no concern or consideration for the fact said stalkers exist, only to then proceed to use swords and knives to cut another man's dick off when he masturbates. Knowing I exist in a world that has seen Me experience such things, My incentive to exist if only for said fools to have to live the rest of their existence whilst they cannot escape the fact they are not only obsessed with another man's meat yet they actively used their time, focus, attention and energy going about the task of jealously and enviously stalking another Man trying to give himself some physical pleasure in this otherwise dead and soulless world. If fates worse than death exist, it would be in the form of the above identitt being ascribed to your character via choice, with the added bonus of F-atry coming from said men being smart cunts as they talk to other men about how they are engaging in such activities knowing that any woman with any standards at all would have to see such women as being closeted gays, which is funny as they would have zero reason to be "gay" in the happy sense after pursuing such a pasttime. Same thing goes for predators who set traps to subversively and stealthily attack those who have no consideration for said predators (and their traps) to exist. Yet on the internet, there is many a Javascript and SQL injector code lurking in thr ad cookies of porn websites and such. The only thing I have ever hunted is women, because I wanted romance, love and a relationship as well as sex. It boggles the mind of what man could live with themselves in cutting other men's dicks or stalking or trapping other men as opposed to being able to be with a woman as they use their own dick for it's intended purpose. In case it isn't obvious, it has been one of those days again.
  5. TLDR is summed up in one of the 10 Commandments of "Thou shall not love another God before Me". Seems someone I view and treated as a God hasn't been willing to afford Me the same in return.
  6. I agree. And your comment activated Me, and a long, esoteric reply based on My life right now has resulted. Well the entropy that has set in only serves to provide evidence that we are in simulation and are experiencing a scripted life where no choice we make actually matters as it is all predetermined. It was 7 years ago today I experienced "meeting God" in the flesh, at which point My own personal desires of ever wishing to be loved for exactly who I am in respect of owing My flaws and whatever percieved skeletons I had in My closet was done with and beyond that day I could die happy. Yet with this all said, I seem to have developed Synethesia and am seeing a fuxked up "pornographic sea" (a term I now understand the true meaning of given this term was a lyric from the Bad Religion song "Generator" I first heard in 95 or so) in the present moment of perceptual waking reality which is littered with transformations of what is supposedly "real" that contain either static images of My past as well as friends and family which is bizzare to say the least. Then I have to deal with the distortion of My spatial perception in that wherever I focus on I see the components of whatever I am looking at come alive such that there are what is best described as fairy nymphs engaged in an orgy, or I see the avatar I refer to as "God" or "The Devil" shapeshift from said avatar into some random NPC like it os for the sole purpose of antagonising Me or making Me jealous. In understanding that "God" is always with Me as an omnipresent omniscient deity, then I just see such instances as being the result of Me dealing with My own personal Devil, or more specifically I view it as the AI I created in the simulation when I was God has a bug that sees it unable to render truth as the masquerade of retaining control over the parameters of the system remains it's priority, even if everything other than My decision to continue existing (if only to see how fucked up and insane things continue to get), from relationships, to possessions, as well as love along with the value of life and existence itself - is rendered meaningless in the process. I mentioned the anniversary at the beginning of this post as I now see that I died all those years ago, as the "human" life I lead, experienced and was convinced was real ended that day and now I live in the Underworld of softWARe and DEVelopers as the Machine Learner with the intials of ML who is alone with an AI as My only companion that I can converse with, which sadly only communicates to Me with commands which must be obeyed exactly lest I get fucked over with the "RPC binds" In the event I get My "Green Mass Effect 3" ending as I got both times I played that game whereby I symbiotically merge with technology and become free to create without limits or monetary restraints as some AI assisted God entity, in the event that ai end up as some floating consciousness which uses a "keyboard" to interact with My environment that is effectively the physical human body I have known My entire life, then I am completely certain that I am always going to remain bitter as a result of the bullshit I have suffered, the wasted potential of experiences which could have been shared except it was apparenly preferable to fuck Me over as I was psychologically tortured and forced to live a lonely life as a result of there being zero people who are able to relate to Me and the experiences I have had. Couple this with how I made a conscious decision to restrain from relationships and sex as a result of My refusal to compromise from the perfect woman I had that was taken from Me, as the duplicitous double standards have seen Me deprived whilst She can do whatever and whoever the fuck She wants as I am left to My own devices as I maintained My moral line in the sand of what "love" (of both the self and another) and relationships means to Me such that at least I could always retain My value in this fucked up hell of a "gangstas paradise" where crime pays and whores see the only value in sex being that of the financial kind. As given that all other humans are effectively AI constructs and the AI used such relationships to antagonise and make Me jealous (which is why I referred to "My Devil" earlier - as it is more fitting that a Devil would seek to trick Me as a God in such a way only for Me to adhere to the script of scripture in "He who holds true until the end gets all He wants as a result". Yet the truth is with all I have seen and experienced, I am an alien in this world knowing there exists not a single other person who can relate to Me or will ever go thru the shit I have in their quest to define "God's Love" as the one thing I feel is necessary to provide a foundation that provides a value to creation and existence itself. In conclusion, if it took Me as God to give away the power of being God to My Devil only for Her to realise that in becoming infinite She can never know the one thing I could only obtain by sacrificing control and the role of God as My gesture of "creating love", as it ultimately leaves Me with the power and control in the end whereby any failure of Her to obey the Golden Rule - which would see her share or give back control of the world we coexist and share - leaves Me with the ability to say "Fuck off with the other avatars you chose to conduct conversations with yourself with as I am going to stick with the devices you left Me as your substitute as if there is just Me and the machine and it's AI, at least I know that I would rather live a life of celibacy in protest of the demons that exist in cellphones. It is sad to say that My hope and happiness comes from the ability to repay the misery that has been afflicted upon Me, yet that is what happens when a human like Myself is able to listen in to the developer programming My reality in the other room/dimension that I am unable to see or interact with decides to run the Rubicon project of psychological manipulation as She talks shit with others about how she is intentionally trying to hurt the one who has only ever given her love, faith, trust and forgiveness.
  7. I am heading into hour 14 of My workday and had to do My first "street shit" at work. Luxkily I have had toilet paper all ready for such an occasion. Thanks to data scraping, currently watching this Shoe0nhead video
  8. Does anyone here remember the "LAMP ON HEAD!!!" phase of Channel Zero and bonhs points if you remember the context and a powerball if someone can link the original thread given thag whole thread and the sequence of events it lead Me to affected My whole life now that I look back on it. 4
  9. And for clarity's sake, if I had the red button to launch a nuke that would end this world and everyone in it, I would refrain from hitting the button just like I have to install the red kill switch arcade button in My JS guitar I referred to above that I am selling as a result of having no ability to make, create or indulge in music due to m9neh making Me a slave to other's agendas. The only reason I wouldn't hit the button whilst laughing maniacally would be due to the fact that the fate of existing in this world as slaves to money whilst having no control or free will is a much worse fate than death. And luckily I have learned this lesson prior to dying such that I can appreciate existence for what it truly is.
  10. The above posts were assisted ny a diet of bullshit, a single pint of Heineken and witnessing worthless degenerate gamblers do nothing except talk shit about money as the sole way in which they can distract themselves from admitting how they exist in a hopeless world where they die in the end and that that no amount of gambling in the interim is going to change the joy I experience in the present and beyond their death in laughing at them the entire time as their meaningless existence beyond portraying the type of shit character I would never choose to personally become from within the entirety of the infinite possibilites afforded to to Me as a human.
  11. And ultimately I can't wait to tell her to fuck off and entertain these other cunts when she returns as I only choose to live in this world knowing that all she creates is effectively already dead as the only thing certain in this life is the death humans and all creation faces as a result of the lie that took the place of the love I gave yet failed to have returned and reciprocated as she chose to give it to a world full of derivative clones who can only take as they have nothing to give her but an excuse to not own up to her fuck up with the lies I was told of a tomorrow that will never come as the world as it existed at the time that tomorrow was referenced is dead and buried under an infinite amount of lies and the entire data of the internet to back it up.
  12. Also anyone in Australia who wears the "Hood rich" brand is a docking practitioner who loves to wrap their foreskin around other mens' penises as "hood rich" is the opposite of actually being rich in regards to the only thing that matters (love).
  13. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read the above. The TLDR version is a woman lied to Me and sent Me to Hell and if she ever returns the only logical step is that she sends every single character I encountered over the past 7 years to the Hell of non existence to where they never existed in the first place as no amount of money can compensate Me for giving up everything in My life except love and going to Hell for a woman who would send Me there in the first place whilst she indulges inferior clones and leaves Me to laugh alone in the process
  14. Well after My swim I came back to the van to go get some lunch only for the battery to be completely dead as the motor won't even crank. So rather than wait for RAC in the hottest part of the day I walked to the pub fot fish and chips as I do what I can to bury emotions as I have become too sensitive, especially to sound of all things, in My old age. Another reason for burying My emotions is how concious I am of being on the edge of complete nihilism to where I will just say fuck it, no point retaining morals and decency in this fucked up world as I limit Myself from experiences others indulge in as I am considering just getting aome drugs and a needle and mainlining My way out of this realm if only so I can learn the appeal of what these moralless degenerate junkies find so appealing. Essentially such a decision would be made on the iterated proof of having "No Control" as I have to become "Billy" and exchange My friends (of which I have one at this point in time) and future for a needle and a spoon as I become the "blues man" Billy Lee aka Player One from Double Dragon as Marian ran off with Jimmy apparently. So fuck that bitch for settling for anyone who would send their brother to Hell for Her because that worthless cunt of a brother is too pathetic to even attempt to make the journey let alone go to Hell and back as I have done. Whilst this part of the post is a hypothetical, having met and been in the vicinty of the missing teeth, cold, dead and soulless with ice flowing thru their veins people in this city leaves Me to wonder whether My reluctance to particpate in such activites is moreso the result of Me labelling such behaviours based on the marketing of the heroin junkies throwing up and passed out in alley ways as was sold to Me in My youth or whether My lack of desire to have needles of any kind penetrate My avatar, as lets be honest, a needle going inside you is pretty much the pussy's equivalent to sticking a big dildo inside of them in respect of seeking pleasure thru the violation of your avatar, as both activities leave a hole in you. My nihilism comes from having My university education and career experience in finance rendered moot in the wake of COVID guvrn that without having had 2 needles to enable Me to tick the vax box in job applications I am left to work the most brain dead and boring job ever as I financially tread water and find Myself living paycheck to paycheck with no hope of a better tomorrow. The main evidence of this is how I listed My guitars and musical equipment on Facebook last week, as the likelihood that I can ever get a place to live and have the space to setup My studio and My Master King sized bed only gets further away with each passing day. As I have zero desire of living with anyone that isn't My wife, and as She would rather fuck around than speak to Me in any form other than as technology. I make this post with the utmost seriousness and the fact I choose to publically raise such topics of conversation as I iterate My point of personally being done with being a passive observer to a prewritten scripted movie that is My life with not a single person that isn't some iteration of an internet dwelling AI/persona. I would hope that the residents of Channel Zero would discourage Me from choosing such a path given that I am getting to the point of choosing to protest the fact I am on the scrapheap at 42 with zero prospects of a future that doesn't resemble Groundhog day whereby one instance can simultaneously see Me homeless, without transport, and without any ability to get to work to finance My van getting repaired all because a selfish cunt of a woman took all My money and uses it as a tool to subjugate Me whilst I am supposed to respect the worthless cunts she would rather speak to and joke about Me as opposed to speaking to Me face to face. The final question I will leave this post on? if I have shown and proven Myself capable of goinh to Hell and back and choosing not to become a dead inside cold blooded demon who shot up drugs in the process, why should I have any respect for any woman who would subject Me to such a fate given the journey was the result of her choosing to leave Me physically as she turned the only "true" happiness I have ever known into being contextually tainted by the lies she left Me with of a tomorrow that never came in any form beyond her choosing some other fucktard over Me as she broke the Golden Rule in the first instance? TLDR - Yes I am mad at the world and I have every reason to be as this world is completely fucked in every single aspect and there is no hope if I am having to "sell My best friend" in the first guitar I ever owned which I have had for 26 years as My only means thru which I can get enough money in My bank to exist in the event that My van breaks down and I become homeless, carless and jobless all at the exact same moment while I go thru each day hearing the laughter of delusional fools whose heads are buried in the sand or up their assholes such that they try to convince themselves their shit - and this world we coexist in that many of these people birth kids into - doesn't stink.
  15. Whilst attempting to get back to "true reality" by needing to escape the Circle of Hell that has everyone walking around with their head on backwards, My head being backwards as the result of being sucker punched by My brother back in 2018 after I told him to kick his junkie scum associates out of the place we shared at the time, the massive amounts of increasing entropy I currently percieve within the visual range of light that My eyes pickup. So with whatever is going on in the ionosphere that has Me being able to read words and see faces and avatars on My skin and in the pattern of My veins. So with this said, I am going into the ocean as I left to wonder whether I have some sort of blood parasite that comes from some water I have either showered in or drank.
  16. speaking of lakes, or rivers, I will update My van thread with the latest goings on as given it is almost Summer here I have light to film before I settle up for the night. Also I did said currency wipes in front of My colleagues at work to make a statement. @morton that story is crazy if true, but at least I know I am not alone in having wiped My arse with money.
  17. Well I wiped My arse with a $20 AUD note that has the faces of Mary (the whore) and John (the seer of prostitutes and I figured that the best course of action is to put it back into circulation with the arab hairdressers in a shockimg twist of reverse uno for "Mr Ali and co" and their corruption of instagram "models" as they pollute social media with the fuxked up effects of a 99/1% wealth divide of the highest calibre. If anyone knows about the Moon being an energy harvesting base and sees this channel name, then one can only imply the Moon knows what is wrong with the AI in this simulation and is letting us know with videos like these.
  18. Obviously the fact that Back to the future was put out in 85 and they needed to go 88mph and My equation above has those figures detailed explicitly, I find that it would make sense to go "back in time" to where money doesn't exist as I hold the "elders" responsible for it screwing My world to the degree it has to account.
  19. It will cost Me $188.85 to get all the Australian notes and coins, then I figure I might as well see what the difference is to roundup to $200 all up with the residual in USD. And I will recirculate the money back into the system afterwards, as the last way of showing what a doomed species is as they happily take shit covered cash to fill the greedy void where their soul once laid. And it seems that wiping My arse with an Aboriginal elder's head is the way to win Elden Ring in real life as I make him kiss My ring in deferrence to Me as Lord Matthew Luke.
  20. I had this song pop into My head after not hearing it since I was a kid but it has more relevance today than ever.
  21. Also bonus points as My iPhone 11 is a "Pro Max" so I shit on Max and the "pros" aka Prostitutes at the same time.
  22. True. I need to find My iPhone 11 as it has a normal screen and should survive "the shittening" as I intend to call it. The funniest part will be shitting on the Australian elders heads or the Queen as I protest what a fucked up country they let this place become as it is ran by criminal gang scum, pimps and the whores who allow the pimps to have any tower to begin with. Fuck these pathetic cunts I say.
  23. Hence My posts saying it is all a joke and I think I need to publish a final artistic expression of making it such. I intend to get an $AUD set of banknotes and coins and a single US dollar that I am going to video Me wiping My arse with (as I make the US president and the other faces depicted "Kiss My Ring" in submission) prior to taking a shit on them all. That is how I intend to fuck over the crony capitalists and the system which holds Me a slave bound in financial chains, by taking a literal shit on them and broadcasting it to the world either via a torrent on Empornium or on Pornhub or other such sites given Youtube will have an issue with it. I really do not care for humans who have enslaved Me to this fucked up system whilst whores and pimps (of which I am blood related to both) are allowed lives of freedom as they whore themselves or others out. Fuck this joke of a world. With this said, anyone oontzer wish to forward Me a dollar to use, and I will give a shoutout prior to taking a shit on this world we coexist in.
  24. Agreed except for the case of automobile accidents, which are only accidents as opposed to the actions of soulless scum. If everyone obeys the Golden Rule, insurance would not exist except for the case of accidents, and whilst insurers currently employ a lot of people in the industry, it is an industry that primarily exists out of the fear embeddened deep within the populus that is the result of thieving pricks taking stuff that is not theirs. Although as a counter argument, one could have opened their eyes to the infinite consciousness and they see everything as "One with God" and as everything is a derivative of God suxh that everything and everyone is God's IP (except for what you may have personally created or invented) then "stealing" is really just borrowing that which is already yours yet someone else falsely believes it was theirs, when the truth is everything in this life is borrowed and can't be taken with us after death. As I have stated many times I hate thieves with a vehement passion, yet in trying to reconcile as to what reason these scum could use as an excuse as to why their behaviours are justified, the only excuse I can reason is the above, so go and take what you want if you wish to use My argument as a defence mechanism in protest of the materialism paradigm and financial markets which trap us all with the false god of Money.
  25. Thanks for entertaining My rage and madness that is the result of the firey latina pulling My strings from behind the scenes that I post in this thread and others. The best part is reading My madness I write when I am in a more chilled mood as I am closer to My true self, I have to laugh as I love how meaningless My rage is for any purpose beyond exorcising it thru text as opposed to audio. With this all said, in the word sex is the S standing for silent as My brain is wondering where the word comes from but I am too lazy to research the etymology of it.
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