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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    I can' tplay that Bioshock as I don't have a next gen console yet. With all the drama everyone is having with 360s, and the price of PS3s I am going to wait and see what happens in the future before I commit to either of them.
  2. You are addicted to Sailor Jerry EB?? I can't remember the last time I tried Pepsi as a mixer. But lately I have been getting pissed off with guests coming over, helping themselves to my beers, then leaving them sitting with a 3rd left in them. IF YOU TAKE A BEER ASK 1ST AND IF YOU GET ONE FINISH IT YOU FUCKS!!!!
  3. Mauler5150


    Haha! I saw that! Was enough to make me want to play it, especially after I was banned from somewhere for shooting up some little kid in Secondlife, haha.
  4. Mauler5150


    I couldn't see what the fuss about Bioshock is all about. I watched them play a level on Youtube and while graphically it is impressive, I just don't see how it is meant to be such a stimulating game to be honest.
  5. I wonder how much it cost in new clothes??? An expensive shit to take that one was!!
  6. I actually got 'gritty' from a friend who lives in Sydney. I think maggot might be the most popular here too, to be honest. I use them all from time to time, often with an embellishment such as 'Fucking' beforehand to just emphasise how damn fucked up i was.
  7. The one Drama fucked on Entourage the other week wasn't too bad looking!!:lol::lol::lol: Even though she was a furry.
  8. I am pretty stoked that the carton I threw $10 into the other night for 5 beers has resulted in me now having 10 more beers in the fridge (on top of the 8 I drank before). Finally it paid off to have people over.
  9. I'm good. This finger injury is annoying. Teach me for getting drunk. But my legs are so damn sore from basketball the other night too, fuck I shouldn't sit online for long periods of time. Oh, and a girlfriend gave me the first 2 seasons of Arrested Development to watch, so looks as though I am couch bound thus afternoon, before boozing on some more tonight. I just realised how quick I sobered up last night, was about an hour after my drink that the effects wore off., That was kinda weird.
  10. I cut my finger open last night with a drunken stumble. Couldn't feel it til this morning. It is fuckign annoying!!
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Dustin Diamond aka Screech???
  12. Mauler5150


    Damn. GT was bad enough. I'm gonna convnce some girl to fuck Spitfire as a raptor on SL tonight if it is the last thing i do....
  13. I'm pretty sure it is too EB. Shame you don't have any flicks of her. I liek these tales, and I just wish we had LP in my store, instead of shit being left to me (when I'd rather be focused on selling and picking up customers)
  14. Damn Ayebee, you need to forget about her man!! It is ok if you come in here and do that Vaj, even though he doesn't listen..
  15. I might have to ease up on my booze consumption. I played basketball for the first time in ages tonight, only scored 4 points, and was fucked from my first lap of the floor. I have never been so unfit in my life, so it is tie to snap into it. But be sure that this impending weekend will see me get trashed at least once.
  16. Dear dole office. Please never make me wait there for an hour and a half again listening to screaming babies. Sincerely Mauler
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I was on my uncles laptop earlier where I am housesitting and they have blocked 12oz on his company provided internet. I came home to check some shit (and get beers) and I'm glad I have a 20" monitor as the piddly laptop one was hard to read. So should I try to use a proxy server to view 12oz??
  18. Hahah great shit made me laugh even thought I don't get the source material, but glad to see someone had a go, aha.
  19. What do you mean they are your homies???
  20. Good work trance4mations. I'm glad you stuck around even after all the shit you initially copped, that spiderman quilt is gold!!!
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I shall try, She thinks she is going to corrupt me.:lol::lol::lol: I don't think she knows what flows through my mind yet, haha. Maybe I should drop this viagra tablet I have sitting here and ravage her?? We'll see how she reacts to the emergence of the video camera then, haha! ICB you don't need a girl to answer your question. Aren't you like 17? If so then I am assuming that the girl is a similar age so you can't expect anything different. Get a woman 25 and over, and prepare for different shit, same bucket. You can never predict what they are going to do man.
  22. Hah, someone draw me. I want to see what I look like!! Well I am not sure the people in the US know what Tango is slang for here, but I was giving them a hint, haha.
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I have to go and get on the dole. How unappealing. At least it should help me to not spend my trip fund....
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