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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I just got back from the city. Went to the ultimate scenester bar. It was so fucked, there isn't enough booze to keep me at that place. I don't know why hotties go there, there were so many girbys (girl/boys) and emo fuckers. I even saw a few Vampires. Seriously. This one dude even had vampire teeth implants. Fucken freaks. I can't say I'll be going back there in a hurry.
  2. You have no idea!! Romper Stomper was awesome!!
  3. Re: Buff my stiffie with this pile of old poonuggets. Hard. No habla spanish
  4. Re: Buff my stiffie with this pile of old poonuggets. Hard. No habla spanish
  5. Mauler5150


    hahah! I found you out to be a liar raverboy!!! Now stop bullshitting and go back to medium to unlock Jordan!!!
  6. Whoa, that red wine I had last night has made me have the smelliest farts I have ever smelt in my life.
  7. Mauler5150


    Ahh, something i noticed about that screenshot is 1) no visual confirmation of it being yours, and 2) how do you get a 5 star performance with only 77%?? and 3)why is the black in the % box different to every other black on the screen?? I can get 93% on that song on hard, and only get 4 stars, so for you to get 77% and 5 stars, seems fishy. And Mamerro, and whoever else is listening, check out my post of the ultimate setlist for a guitar hero game. There needs to be more cranking songs out there I think, and Slash?? Pfft!! He is a chump, if it was someone like Micheal Angelo Batio then it would be good to play against.
  8. Fuck that red wine gave me weird dreams, and I slept like shit. I have no idea why, but it was funny how my uncle was telling me stories of how he had some 1998 Penfolds Grange for his 50th and it was the best thing he has ever tasted. It would want to be at $625.00 a bottle. A review for those who might not know of this legendary wine https://www.nicks.com.au/index.aspx?method=STA_productdetail&ProductId=11087 Edit: Apparently someone paid $71000 for an imperial of this wine in 2003. If that doesn't tell you what it is like I don't know what does http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news/stories/s841693.htm
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread That is actually one of my brothers favorite lines. He says it all the time, and I do occassionally. But fuck it, I am destined to take the piss out of self appreciating retards, and will continue to do so. i am off to bed now, ciao all!!
  10. I am half cut, it is taking me a little longer to type, but this feed is serving me wicked. My Dads gf was sick in the car on the way home, and she was the driver. i think it was teh alcohol mixed with the awesome cake and icecream we had. I'll make you top friend next week, as AB has only been in the possy for a day, and I think after his relisation, he deserves it for a while. Arrgh, I am starting to get the wine headache, and it must mean i need sleepp!!
  11. Ohhh Sherock, you wanna be first on the Myspace eh??? I'm here after a couple of bottles of red at the family do, had the craziest feed, had a choice of 5 different dishes, plus 3 salad dishes to choose from. I had 3 different bottles of red to choose from, Annies Lane Cab Merlot, Wolf Blass Yellow Cab Merlot and some other Shiraz Cab my uncle had (that I smashed the most of, haha!). But yeah it was good to hit it up with the fam, and play on my uncles sweet Strats and EBMM Axis....
  12. Seriously don't get the current big obsession with poker, but if it is enjoyable, then keep doing it. I prefer to have drinks and shoot the shit myself. Ahh 17, I think I was more of a smoker myself at that age, and didn't really like the booze as much til I had to get out of the comfort zone and meet random people. It is much better social lubricant than the herb....
  13. Mauler5150


    What is Step Mania?? I play guitar too, and I don't believe you can beat/pass Jordan on expert. On hard yes, but expert no, as you would waltz through the other songs with no trouble. I can pass a few apparently harder songs on expert than Freya, just the instrumental parts go on too long I think. Unless you can prove me wrong with a photo or something :)
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Oh I know the type!! My ex used to hate me taking the piss out of people on Big Brother or Australian soaps adn their wooden acting. I think it is hilarious, but she was like the little brother in your story. It isn't my fault I can act better than they can, and can do hilarious interpretations of their characters. Another ex of mine loved it, but I hate how people can't stand people who make fun of/impersonate others.
  15. I have the same thing tango, for my grandmas birthday. It is usually chill at my gatherings though, and I'll get to play guitar with my uncle who can rip it up. plus some free quality wine or whatever never goes astray...
  16. Mauler5150


    You think GH2 is easy? Obviously you haven't gotten to expert yet!! I'm still stuck on Freya, but haven't played it in a while, maybe I might give it a crack this arvo. Edit: And part 3 is going to suck. Beastie Boys? WTF? On a guitar based game? When they start putting serious songs on there then it will be good. I still think Rock Band will be better myself (if only for the extra higher fret buttons it looks like having), plus they won't put some of the gay fucken songs as it appears that GH3 is going to have from the Youtube videos I have watched of it.
  17. Yeah I hear you. Good to see you have snapped into realizing it before it happens. Who knows, maybe down the line you could be friends??
  18. Ayebee, I chucked you as Team Alco number 1 friend for the breakthough with your ex!! Now get your drink on!!! And I am out of beer!!! Aaaaarrrrgggghhh!!
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I just watched the trashiest TV show ever called 'Age of love' where this tennis player has to choose between some 40 year old chicks and some 20 year old chicks. This 20 something had massive tits This boiler would know how to fuck I reckon Such a trash show, but I was just amazed by this blonde things tits, and at how slutty these 'cougars' were.....
  20. Mauler5150


    Secret of Mana, the only game where I actually got stuck and could progress no further. I have no idea why, but it was pretty good, although I much preferred Zelda to it.
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I had the same drama at my old bottle shop in Gosnells. Anyone from around here knows the kind of area it is, and we used to have gangs of abos come in trying to steal shit, always the same deal, they come in and scatter to a different corner of the shop. The policy is to let them go to the fridges and take whatever they want, just keep an eye on the spirits. Well anyway, the funny thing was, one time this mob came in, and then after me kicking one guy out for trying to jack stuff, the little kids they were with were out fucking around on my car apparently as a regular (read as at least 3 longnecks, 3 times a day- everyday) customer came in and told me. I proceed to walk out to see what the fuck is going on, then one of the guys walked out behind me and picked up the cricketbat he had left lying on the outside wall, and as I saw they were no longer on my car, I turned to go back in, and then was faced with this fucker ready to swing a cricketbat at me! Anyway, I managed to talk my way out of the situation, but the fact is, if I had been hit, I wouldn't have been covered by the workplace insurance as it is only valid inside the premises. So that is when I thought fuck it, take whatever you want, I don't pay for the shit and they don't pay me enough to get mobbed by 8 people. My female co-worker was so shook by this she was going to quit but I talked her out of it. And fuck coldsores on bitches. that shit is gross.
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Ahh I think I went ok in it. Did an hour study before hand, and knew most of the stuff. There was one concept I had no idea of what it was, and it seemed as I went through the exam I was actually teaching myself the whole interconnectedness of it all, when before I actually had no idea. I should pass with any luck and save me not having to go to school for another semester. If I pass i can also start travelling asap!!! Woot!!
  23. Good shit AyeBee!! Your new dime is better anyway (IMO)! I have the worst headache. I might have to stop drinking and have a rest....
  24. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hahha cool EBPH. Keep these flicks and stories coming!!
  25. I just got back from my exam, and the deccys have hit. Combined with the lack of sleep, my fried brain, and the beers I have just started to drink, I wonder how long I can stay up for without a headache. No lunch for me, just beers.
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