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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    Haha I got it from demonoid. Didn't take long to download either. It is fucking sick, been playing 4 hours or so now, but it can get frustrating figuring out how to play the minigames. http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1168904/10686484/ There was a heuristic virus in the fucker that was found when I scanned it with a-squared, and quarantined it before installing. Don't forget to do that if you download it!! Was fun to install, just read the instructions on the demonoid page and you can't go wrong. Any dramas, hit me up on msn. There is a script included in the torrent that has every line of dialogue in the game, it is pretty damn funny.
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Haha, umm rushawn, your dream, let me think. I'll come back with an answer. Might possibly need more details. Hmm some1, when you had the second dream that could possibly be a explaination of the first dream, in that the 'forbidden person' in your dream is actually your roommate. I was going to say that in the first place, but it didn't make sense at the time, but it kinda does now (as she is forbidden in 2 ways, being your ex's sister and your mates girl). Weird. But rushawn your dream just says that a woman in your life wants something long term (as the stickers will be there to mark your current adventure long in the future). The reasons the people turned and looked at the ass, was probably cause you are an ass-man, and you grabbing it was your way of showing them that you are in control of the situation, as well as being happy with where you are at. Does that make any sense?? I'm kinda in a hurry to laugh more at this game and to see whether this funnel I scored has any further use! Hahha!
  3. Mauler5150


    You can play some Vai on guitar?? Crazy!! Anyway, I have been playing the Uncensored version of Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, and found out it is banned in Australia. What is with these games getting banned?? Anyway, the funniest thing of alll I have seen in it so far, is with the big titted slut character, when you finish her missions, you actually get a FUNNEL WITH A HOSE ATTACHED!!!! If that isn't the funniest thing I have ever seen in a game so far I don't know what is!!
  4. Mauler5150


    Edit: Double post and I mis-read what blackboatshoes wrote.
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread You are back already? Happy birthday EBPH!! I hope you get nice and drunk.
  6. Mauler5150


    Clapton and Hendrix were on the first GH. Their songs weren't that hard really (neither was Sweet Child of Mine). I only said those 3 as they are my favorite players, and they have all done video game music before, and their songs are infintely harder than any of Slash's songs. It is good how Rock Band will have some Metallica on it, while not as hard as the above musos songs will be, I think it will still be quite the challenge.
  7. Mauler5150


    If they seriously wanted to have a 'boss' in a GH style game, how could they go past Dr Steve Vai?? I mean he was the boss guitar player in a Hollywood movie (Crossroads) for God's sake!! And any Vai lick kicks the shit out of any thing Slash has ever played. And don't forget Vai did a part of the soundtrack to Halo 2, so he isn't adverse to video game music. Or hell get Joe Satriani (who has done music for a Nascar game on PS 2) or even John Petrucci (who did music for a Dreamcast game). Anyone but Slash, as these players rip all over him. And Trance4mations, how come their is a character called 'stateoftrance' in that screenshot you posted??:lol::lol: Are you sure it isn't you that likes that game? And I see ASS has fallen to WoW, it claims yet another victim!!
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread That sounds crazy VBD. It is pissin rain here, and I was going to walk down to the bakery to get some food. I guess I'll just have to be slack and drive down then.
  9. Yeah I added the additional lists you put on here, but one of them wouldn't work so I disabled it. Plus I was always turning PG off as for some reason, it liked to block the downloading of Youtube videos. Any ideas as to why this was happening?
  10. Haha I would never pop my collar, but I usually drink it at clubs, because I have like a 15 minute or so drive home 80% of the time I am out and that is the best beer to not get too ratted off of if you are in that predicament. If I am not driving and I want to get messy, then it is Stella pints all the way!!
  11. Hhah why does everyone hate on Corona? I don't mind it, as it goes down all too easily. It would have to be the lightest beer I have ever drank though, but I am immune to it which kind of sucks.
  12. What beer were you drinking tonight EB?
  13. Nah, no malt liquor here for us that I know of. After drinking Aussie beer for the past month or so it was so refreshing to buy a carton of decent stuff on the weekend just been. Why is Corona the only beer I can switch to after drinking wine??
  14. I;m trying to make my beer that is here last as long as possible. Might even resort to goonbags to last me during the week, as I so can't be bothered plowing through my spirits collection, or my wines.
  15. Mauler5150


    haha I dunno about that, the black was off, and the score was waayyyy too high!! I only get just over 100K on hard with 90%, so to get that high on that song is unbelievable. I didn't go to any site, I figured it out by ear. I didn't learn the whole song, just one of the riffs that was in it, it was pretty easy, but I am still unsure whether I am in the right key or not. I can't tremolo pick thru arpeggios either as they do in the start of the heavy section of that song either, but iI could figure it out if I took the time. How long have you played real guitar for? (sorry to go off topic)
  16. OK, so here is a question. I heard through a friend that the new utorrent 1.7 could be kinda suss as apparently it is the first build since utorrent was bought out by bittorrent, and there could be all these mpaa things associated that could get people busted. Anyone of you out there know whether this is true or not, as I have been advised to keep my version of 1.6.1 and not to update until the new one is proven to be safe.
  17. Yeah, I wasn't stupid enough to put any stickers on it so that is a viable option, but I don't really wanna outlay the cash. I'll see how I go.
  18. Mauler5150


    I can beat Jordan on hard, with 93% (my best effort) and can consistently get around 90% on it on hard. Fuck expert, that is impossible. How could you expect to not get caught out though? I am sad because my whammy bar on the control has died. It sounds like the spring has gone, it was creaky for a while, but it died tonight. I guess it didn't like my 'For the Love of God' style flutter technique. Funny thing was after playing the Light that blinds and my whammy bar dying, I went and figured out a couple of riffs from that song on real guitar which amazed me (as I rarely bother to figure anything out by ear, usually rely on tabs).
  19. Did anyone say Irreversible yet? I might have, but yeah, watch that if you wanna see a brutal rape scene, and some crazy film techniques..
  20. OK, here is a technical question. My Guitar Hero controller has stuffed up. In particular, the whammy bar has gone limp and doesn't return properly. So I guess the question I am asking, is has anyone else had this problem, and if I take the back of the guitar, everything isn't going to fall to pieces on me now is it? And is this fault fixable easily??
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I have noticed that in Channel Zero there are about 10 page views for every post that is made on average. I don't know how this compares to otehr forums, but it seems rather low to me
  22. Re: Buff my stiffie with this pile of old poonuggets. Hard. No habla spanish
  23. The Running Man! I re-watched it the other day, and it is pure gold!!
  24. Amplifier. I was at the Eurobar which wasn't too bad then me and a mate went to Amplifer, and man, fucking vampires!! I am surprised I didn't have nightmares. But it was good to go and see so many losers in one place, it really boosts your opinion of yourself.
  25. Some1 that is the mixing curse!! You don't mix green with gold, otehrwise you are bound to feel like shit the next day!!
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