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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. So what happened with your woman drama??
  2. So what did you mean by this? Is it still on my machine? Or is it dead? I chucked Spybot on my computer, and since I used ti, my comp is running a bit quicker.
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread My Saturday was good. Even getting woken up by having water thrown on my face was good. This was the best weekend I have had in a while. And ubejinxed is hot, how come she hasn't posted in a while?
  4. Ended up going out to Ambar last night, and got rather fucked up. A mixture of Corona, vodka, tequila, and white wine when I got home fucked me up pretty bad. It was the wine that did me in though, for some reason it really tipped me over the edge..
  5. Hahaha! Ayebee, how are you not in prison? Seriously? Yeah went to Burswood last night, spur of the moment thing (ie I was drunk and bored at home so decided to go out). It was fuckign packed, like I have never seen it before, and I got rather roasted. Caught up with a guy I hadn't seen in 5 years, which was pretty cool, but damn there are some ho's in that place!!
  6. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Man I have the worst headache. I guess the lack of sleep last night is catchign up with me. How are you getting free drinks tango?
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread What is with this stupid facebook wannabe thing on Myspace? Anyway, I finally went and bought the legit version of Dream Theater's Systematic Chaos for the dvd and 5.1 mix of the album. I have to say, honestly, the dvd documentary of the making of the album was the funniest fucking thing I have seen all year. Without a doubt in my mind, and anyone else who has watched it might know what I am talking about. Plus John Petrucci makes me want to quit playing guitar.
  8. Thanks EBPH. So have I got rid of the fucker, or is it still on my machine? I deleted it with a sqaured, but I am hoping that my comp doesn't become a 'zombie machine' like it was being earlier on (as described in my other posts).
  9. Seffiks, I ran a squared, avast and AVG anti Spyware, and a squared was the only one to detect the virus. I uninstalled CS3, hopefully that has gotten rid of the virus, as the last scan I did showed up nothing. But I am thinking of getting Spybot, as I think casek said it was pretty good. Or does anyone have an activation code for avg antispyware, as I want to run the active scanner.
  10. I went to come on here as I got home last night, but the computer was being gay after it got a virus from photoshop, but I got extremely hammered last night. Hit up the casino, and it was fuckign packed, I have never seen that much traffic on Perth streets as I did last night. Lucky my mate was driving, and I had a couple of beers to sink prior to going in.
  11. Bulleit isn't too bad but they have scaled that shit back over here to like 80 proof down from 90 as it was a couple of years ago. The 9% cans are decent for premixes though. I prefer Elijah Craig though, as it can fuck you up pretty quickly.
  12. Seffiks, the voice capture thing is next to the nudge button in MSN messenger. So now I have deleted the virus thing from the rar folder and wherever else it was, would to program be safe to use?
  13. $250US an ounce? Damn, shit is just as steep here! But Plezo1son, you should go to the relationship megathread where ever that has gone.
  14. Well I scanned with avast, thre said there were no problems, avg said there were no issues, but a squared found a heuristic bomb an a trojan directly related to photoshop. I cleaned it up though, so I am just going to delete photoshop CS3 once I unistall it, as I don't need that shit. When installing, it asked if I wanted to allow something called DNSResponder to be allowed access to the internet with Comodo. Would that be the issue or is it something within the rar file I extracted it from?
  15. Will I need to uninstall it totally? Because the crack was just replacing the photoshop.exe file Plus I don't have CS2 :-( PS works fine, it is just all the other things that are stuffing around. My spyware scanner has found 45 infections. Not bad for 2 days browsing.
  16. I downloaded a version of Photoshop CS3 from Demonoid that had a crack, and now my Firefox seems to be playing up, along with a few other programs (MSN messenger, AIM, etc) and I have to click like 10 times to open a thread on here. I'm going to bed running all the spyware and antivirus (avast) programs I have to see if it is something to do with this crack or just some Myspace bug. I also ran Tuneup Utilities today, and I had to run a Chkdsk thing, that took like an hour or so. It seemed to be ok, until I opened up OS again, and now my Fiurefox is having another tantrum. So is it PS or something else??
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I wanna try some maddog to see if it is really that bad. Or is Nighttrain the way to go?
  18. I only have had a couple beers. Too much KFC in my guts, hahahah
  19. Chenin Blanc is like a sweeter style white, but crisp like a red apple sorta flavour. Shit is good mang, especially the one I have.
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread What is Rite Aid? Is it a bottlo?
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Nah man, we have 7 weeks off, it was just the exam I fucked up I have to sit again. Still have another couple of weeks after that till the new semester starts. I sent an add request your way EBPH, and am gonna send the Team Alco one in a minute. What job are you going for?? Oh yeah, a friend of mine told me I look like the character from Team America in the last pic I posted in the last 'Want to see you thread', which was described as me having a serial killer smile. It was so on point, much more than young Robin Williams, ahhaa.
  22. hahaha some1. Don't tell me you were drinking tequila? I was thinking of having wine for my dinner, you think some Chenin Blanc would go down well?
  23. That is an ice cube on its side....:p
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