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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Hmm difficult scenario. Why did 'Chad' break up with her? Was she messing around and she got caught? Once a cheater, always a cheater mang. But I can put money on her moving in with you, something happening between you and her, and then I don't know. Just know Team Alco is here for your drunken rants if it all goes wrong bud!! In other news, it was my uncles birthday today, and I didn't get to go to tea for some reason, but my Dad came back with a trem-setter for my guitar!! Once it is installed, i will be divebombing without losing my tuning like a crazed mofo!! Hopefully my worn poststubs shouldn't affect the install too much, ahhaa. (that last part won't make sense to anyone who doesn't play guitar)
  2. The last time I got drunk I didn't get a hangover. But I cosign with you on the age thing. Since I am getting older the next day seems to punish me alot worse than when I was a kid. Cheers for the looking out tango. Uni is fucking me around with my results, and apparently I can't even get my exam back to see where I apparently fucked up. Time to get drunk while organizing an appeal methinks. And to metronome, yeah I am still bitter about my ex, but fuck it, she is below my level in every regard. It has just taken me a while to realize it. I am just pissed off that she is moving like 5 minutes away from my house, I'm sure with all the ex drama going on in here ove rthe past week or so you can appreciate why that is an issue for me?
  3. Just a lunch bar. Bought it established, and apparently it has a pretty good turnover. Was total shit weather today, as evidenced by the tree getting snapped in the shit the shit thread and horizontal rain, but they still had a pretty decent turnover. My best mate wanted to open a clothing shop, but he is more of an ideas person, than someone who actually follows thru with them. I say go for it if you really want to do it, and have the money to invest in startup costs. As I chucked on my myspace "Nobody tries to fail, but some people fail to try". If you want something bad enough, you usually end up with it, or so I try to tell myself, haha.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread 2:30 am on a weeknight and I am off to bed. Have to get up and check my email to find out WTF has happened with one of my grades, as it isn't anywhere near where it should have been and the stupid unit co-ordinator hasn't replied to my email yet. I so don't want to have to appeal my grade, but it migth be my only option..
  5. My brother took over his shop yesterday/today your time. Sounds like it will go alright for him. Up at 4am, finish by 2 or 3pm. Just have to wait and see how he handles his money, as he isn't the most effective saver in the world.
  6. I know what you mean about dates and not working. I would have had no idea if I wasn't waiting for my results to come out. I thought you were getting a clothign shop up and running EBPH?
  7. Come on guys, at least keep the drama out of this thread! Good to know what beers to keep an ye out for if I ever see em.
  8. Damn, sounds like you had a good birthday!! Why is nobody in gabblychat??
  9. Sorry to bore you with tales of my ex metronome. I used this forum as a cathartic place to vent of how fucked up she used to make me feel. I even had a dream of her last night, I think it is because I am just bored and have WAY too much time on my hands at the moment. But I am over the stupid bitch, she can fuck up her life for all I care, she missed her chance. She fucked with my head, but at the end of the day, I can fuck her head up even moreso. What Dog C posted in the other thread ain't shit on what I have on my ex, but I won't post it on here, as I am not feeling that vindictive (nor am I usually). I stumbled across that pic and thought it would belong here. I am tired, it is 1:40am, and 12oz was fuckign around before. Just had to give my side of the story.
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That one ATWW posted is hell disturbing, but the look on the guys face is hilarious!!
  11. Fuck mang, if I drank that much that quick I would feel bloated as shit. Plus I would be pissing every few minutes once the seal was broken.
  12. Insane clown posse. How could you browse the Myspace thread and not know that?
  13. I have chugged so much OJ in the past couple of weeks, it is astounding. So you going to flick the new pad and post em in here? Anyway, I just went and got some HJs, there was a hot assistant manager working there who I swear was checking me out, haha. But why does everyone drive like a fucken 90 year old grandma when the road is wet? Once this food goes down I am going to start drinking a little more I think.
  14. Got a bit of the flu there tango? The nose spray and orange peel could be indicators. I finally have beaten my cold, after 13 long days.
  15. Haha, nice work. I so can't be bothered drinking. I think it is this weather, plus this fucking around with my exams.
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Hah these storms snapped off a tree in our backyard. The tree when it was still standing
  17. I think there is no denying that. What is with the lighting of shots on fire anyway? I have only done that with Chartreuse, yet even then i was sure to blow it out before drinking it.
  18. You have to admit the table he is drinking off is cool with those little light tubes things in it.
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread And happy birthday Magnum...
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I don't blame you for laughing with your mates. The guy is obviously retarded if he didnt know where that quote was from. In sadder news, my copy of Commando is fucked up. At the end fight scene where Matrix is shot in the arm, it starts to go all fucked up for some reason. And to think of all the awesome dialogue in that part too!!:lol:
  21. Fucken I am jealous of drunkeness tango!! I might have to have some wine!!!
  22. And the 5150 in my name comes from the name of an alcoholic musicians studio, which is named 5150. That certain muso is one Edward Van Halen. When he was drunk and angry, he made his best music. Check out Fair Warning and there isn't many guitar players that can touch what he did on that album.
  23. It isn't my video, it was some chick I knows friends. The silly fucker skulls half a litre of scotch or some shit. All I know is it made me feel sick watching it Try that if the other link didn't work.
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