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Steve Miller

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Everything posted by Steve Miller

  1. haha definitely my favorite x-mas movie quote of all time
  2. ah, i love x-mas. my favorite part of christmas is the mall. i just walk around and watch families fight over the stupidest shit. "mom buy me that!" "no, we can't afford it this year" "i hate you, mom" yeah, i'm a sick asshole. this year i'm bringing a camera. i also want my picture taken with santa. i like tree smell. not enough to rock a tree though.
  3. what a n00b. everyone knows silver gets you fucked up the hardest. i mean every real graffiti-ist knows that
  4. this is the funniest god damn thing i've seen all day. it's also only 9:30am
  5. and of course a grip of prisma and paint pens for the books. paint would also be appreciated. ah who am i kidding, i'm getting 20 bucks again this year. cha-ching
  6. i graduated with all d's, barely meeting the minimal requirements, but somehow managed to outwit most of the straight a cretins in my class. yeah, i went to a really shitty school.
  7. clearly you worked with a moron.
  8. get 'er liquored up, stick it in her ass everyone wins! i'm also going to have to agree with mr. chupacabra
  9. do what my old man does every x-mas. give the least amount of cash you can give straight out of your wallet, and make sure to let him know you didn't want to give him anything in the first place. last year i got 20 bucks. cha-ching
  10. donkey lips' pie eating contest trophies?
  11. your team. budnick needs a metalcore band now.
  12. here in the north bay we say "your team" and point to a typically unfortunate looking person. for example, let's say we're walking down the street and we run into this guy... i would cringe, turn to you, acknowledge the absolute herendousness of this person and simply say "your team". this person is then added to your team. there's really not much more to it than that. and generally teams around here get too big to keep tally of. yeah, it's pretty dumb, but it can be pretty fucking funny. oh yeah, we also call one another gay/faggot/homo etc. in an effort to degrade one another.
  13. sorry kids, i'll never be a fan of modern wuss rock. pick up my second album "Sailor", it'll be the best purchase of your life.
  14. it's like 2002 all over again in here.
  15. rent all those budget ass cholo movies they have scattered about. or is this just something they have in gang infested suburbs?
  16. living colour is my favorite black metal band.
  17. goddamnit no. i love kse, but they are not a fucking metal band. you die now. Quoted post haha,its cool homie,i know there not as hardcore as others.YOU die now. Quoted post [/b] actually they're not hardcore. they're metalcore.
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