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Everything posted by dead

  1. And.... She looks like a sloppy stack of tires.
  2. Salt Water... I didn't know they still made these on land.
  3. This is my newly repotted Ficus. I had been growing it (practically) upside down, in a tower-like contraption that I built, for about 1.5 years. It still needs time for the leaves to 'flatten out'. I'll probably rewire it in a few weeks once it has settled.
  4. also, keep those photos coming.
  5. Hot damn! I'm stoked someone started a bonsai thread. I'm not on here so much recently, but that's awesome and please keep it up.
  6. I've had countless plants die on me. But I do have a few living right now. It's all a very slow learning process through trial and error. I guess my best advice would be not to fuck around with it too much. Resist the urge to cut it all up and force it to do things it does not want to do. Also, if you can, keep 'em outside. If you have to bring them indoors, don't move them around too often. One more thing, read up on the particular plant you acquire. If you plan to train a juniper- read up on the juniper. This is all just shit I've noticed from my experience. meh.
  7. meh, fuck it. I haven't done one of these in a while. I'll get down on a new one. Someone hit me up with an idea.
  8. Sqweezles...Sam Flores bite? Very piss poorly executed.
  9. Stop quoting and reposting that image.
  10. dead


    Re: TEAM ALCO It'll get you drunk!
  11. Have'nt posted any new shit in a while
  12. Has anyone said STDs yet? If not, I collect STDs.
  13. Where that shit belongs.
  14. The pencil drawing is way off base with the consistency of the paintings. .. Practice, practice... and cut back on the cheese factor you have going on in your paintings. Perfect simpler forms and ideas before attempting to abstract them. Busy= jumbled, messy and ugly (typically speaking).
  15. Dude is obviously very new to the forum
  16. Get Dead or Get Out. Dead Unscripted. The World's Dead Marketplace. Don't Forget The Dead, Mum. Uh-oh, Better Get Dead. Just a few that I kind of enjoyed.
  17. yeh, Girlie would get it. And by 'get it' I mean my adoration to the infinity power. She's smart, and down and scientifical. At least that's what the show portrays.
  18. I believe it was threadless.com that either created or at least popularized the image. It is called 'flowers in the attic.'
  19. For real.... It stabbed him in the fucking heart!
  20. dead


    your sweater vest cant save you now!!!! emo holocaust.
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