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Harvey Wallbanger

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Everything posted by Harvey Wallbanger

  1. That's a shame... this was a solid wall.[ATTACH]159850.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]159851.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]159852.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]159853.vB[/ATTACH] I know they didn't touch this though! [ATTACH]159854.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. I propped, would prop again if it weren't for "spreading rep".
  3. Fuck, you're canadian too, huh? You seem pretty badass. Here, Canada, I made you a new, tougher flag so people would stop picking on you. [ATTACH]159837.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Holy shit dude. I'm not sure why, but I propped you for that story. I'm going to be so scared next time I have to move a road box now.
  5. I couldn't find the instrumental for this one unfortunately, but it's banging.
  6. Young MC- Got more rhymes And I got to agree, these guys bring it as well... PE- Can't Truss It (instrumental)
  7. Fuck, even the beats on Young MC and Ton Loc's first albums are ridiculously awesome at times. THIS IS NOW A DUST BROTHERS APPRECIATION THREAD
  8. Some solid beats, but the rapping mostly sounded slow and old. This new stuff sounds way more up to par. (Not hating on To The 5, though. I came off in one of the videos and saw them on that tour. No complaints here.) But nothing is ever going to top the Dust Brothers' production on Paul's Boutique. The most played shit on my ipod is mostly source tracks from that album. Too fucking good.
  9. Yeah, it's obviously no Paul's Boutique, but it's way better than To The Five Boros.
  10. Most of the new album is streaming on BeastieBoys.com right now. Click on the boombox to hear. Sounds alright so far. Better than I expected from another rap album at this age.
  11. Sorry, I thought we were making jokes about was and was not "hipster music", and Kerry King played guitar on the song "Fight For Your Right" Don't mind me, I'm new here.
  12. Hipster music: Beastie Boys Slayer All metal Emo Old school hip hop 90's hip hop Girl Talk Lil Wayne Bluegrass Dirty Projectors Ska Dubstep the Harlem Globetrotters theme song that they whistle Rock Classic Rock Invisible Scratch Picklz Anything with a Ukelele Anything by a rapper whose wardrobe looks like he stepped out of a rock video from the 80's Anything by a rapper whose wardrobe looks like he stepped out of a cartoon from the 80's The Postal Service TV on the Radio The theme song from Blossom Animal Collective Anything with "bear" in the title Skynyrd Devo Rick Astley Rick Ross Michael Jackson The White Stripes The soundtrack to the movie "Stripes" Yacht Rock Django Reinhardt Jazz Guns n' Roses Phene The cantina band from Star Wars Jay Z Biggie Dr Dre Yngwe Maalstroom Any movie theme by Kenny Loggins
  13. The Susan Sarandon part dragged a bit, but it got good when they started smashing shit.
  14. I had forgotten, but I actually met this guy once in about 2007 or so-- not surprisingly, on one of my rare trips to Williamsburg. I was hanging out with a friend who apparently knew him. Dude rolled up on his bike, they shot the shit for a few minutes, and he mentioned that he had to get to band practice. I was like, "oh, cool, what do you play, blah blah blah, you got any shows coming up?" He said yeah, a little private gig this weekend, then gave out some pounds and went on his way. My friend then looked at me like I was an idiot, and said, "do you seriously not know who that was? TV on the radio? They're playing Saturday Night Live this week..." Anyway, Rest In Peace. Not my kind of music, but clearly a talented and humble guy. Also, a friend of Mikhail's, so a good guy in my book.
  15. It's going to be at the Brooklyn Museum next year, though it's tough to say if it will be on the same scale. BK museum is big, but this show is really a pretty fucking epic size. There's also a lot of LA specific stuff in the current show, and I wonder if some of that might be replaced by New Yorkers when it comes out there. Anyone attending the openings tonight/tomorrow?
  16. I had to stop playing this because it was starting to affect my day to day a little too heavily.
  17. Espo, Reas, and Twist fucking killed it with the Street Market revamp. Gemeos too.
  18. It's way better than I was expecting. It might not be a complete history, but they got a LOT of great stuff covered.
  19. Dude should have just gone straight to the "Ask Earl" thread, and saved 5 pages.
  20. Steal the spark plugs out of their van, and trade them for termites.
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