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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I dont know who’s more of a dope. Whoever created this “breaking” story, or fucking Jesse James for thinking this is anywhere close to legitimate.
  2. Saw this clip from england earlier and you just reminded me of it, ha. Ol boy just hits em with the “ahh fuck it.” FullSizeRender.mov
  3. Ya, it feels like he had an ill-conceived notion to do some shit and quickly realized he fucked up.
  4. And extended magazine with a magazine taped to it, on his way to work at Nike Town in downtown Seattle, just trying to see how bad the protests were... having a real hard time buying the dudes story. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/prosecutors-say-man-who-shot-protester-on-capitol-hill-likely-provoked-the-incident/
  5. The amount of blonde white women i’ve seen holding “BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER” signs is starting to become comedy.
  6. You mean the tweet was real or that the homeless took all the food? There was plenty of food/ water/ beverages in that area last time i was there, the homeless weren't touching shit. I actually saw a homeless dude refuse someones food/water, haha. Maybe something happened and some outsiders rolled through since i had left but that’s not the situation i saw.
  7. I know this is the meme zone and shouldnt be taken seriously, but just in case anyone is curious, this homeless stole all the food thing was bullshit. edit: from what i heard
  8. Not a meme but i was reading a story about some dudes dumb tweet involving coronavirus and George Floyd i heard on Cleared Hot.. check the ad sponsor image, haha...
  9. I’d be ok with this person being run off the road.
  10. Sounds like things are unraveling for Seattle‘s “Autonomous Zone.” Reports of cops slowly encircling the area they’ve been occupying, infighting, rumors of attempted extortion of local businesses. edit: I’m gonna try to get down there after work tomorrow, been too busy to pop over and see what's going on. I can’t confirm any of this, just things i’ve been reading from news outlets and folks on social media.
  11. Heard a interesting tidbit on the Popular Front podcast the other day about Tunisian Jihadists that killed the leader of the Northern Alliance 2 days before the Sept 11th attacks. I admittedly don’t know fuck all about the Northern Alliance, but they said the dude they killed would have been the go-to guy for the Americans in the following never ending war. Thought it was an interesting piece of information i had never heard before.
  12. The funny part is theres a video on that rappers Instagram story right now of him talking to a dude who lives on that block and says he feels safer now with the people out there than he ever did.
  13. Was just reading some reports of some goofy sounding shit going on in that AZ in Seattle. Sounds like that rapper and pals are really taking the reigns and making it a self promotional shit show. Havent seen anything, just stuff i read online. The little i have seen from that dude was getting goofy though, that I can say for certain.
  14. Sprinkle “globalists” in there a few times and this reads like a a drunk and stoned Alex Jones rant on a Joe Rogan podcast.
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