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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. always loved this song, one of the best.. none of you cowards has a thing to say, another song about the edge, the crew, or your precious salad days, the worlds aflame and still you play your games, but you hair looks great, and your sound is so stridently tame, once upon a time i searched for something pure, in a world of shit, i thought i found some hope, a place to speak some truth, a place to share some pain, a place to rage against a world that is cleary insane, ha ha! what a sucker i believed in the lie. another boring fad, another tired joke. our legacy is trend cause entertainment and fashion here reigns, one more american game for all the over privilieged kids to play.. hardcore. get up, stand up, we should be so much more. get up, stand up, this could be something pure. get up, stand up, theres gotta be something more! get up, it's time to stand for something so much more.
  2. i'll ask some folk when i get a chance, last i knew the singer was living in canada, but that doesn't mean its not a possibility.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear boat shoes, your in a band? what kinda shit is it? -boston.
  4. guns up is playing? hahaha, how many bands are gonna have bullshit "last shows", seriously.
  5. my buddy got his dog from a woman like that, she had a shitload of dogs running around her house from places down south where they were gonna put them down.
  6. wait i missed this i think, someone said heavy hardcore is a trend? the northeast is known across the US for producing heavy "angrier" hardcore and metal. i've heard many kids from other states compare west coast hardcore to east coast/northeast hardcore and say "the west coast is all about fast riffs and circle pits, the northeast is all about being heavy, pissed off and punching each other.... it must be the weather."
  7. haha, the fresh prince of texas is a good one.
  8. should definitely check out tragedy. the album venegeance is my personal favorite.
  9. false, that'd be kinda cool though person below would like to go skydiving
  10. or you could just rag on him here and not start another photoshop thread, its bound to happen anyway.
  11. false, ha... what? person below would like to participate in a demolition derby
  12. false, coke until death person below has got some big plans coming up.
  13. i need to work on my fliptricks, i dont got shit. i've been trying to get big spins back the past couple weeks.
  14. you fall to the flat? falling to flat off of ramps always sucks. also trying to learn this new trick on saturday, i was skating these 2 quarter pipes, which having railings along the back and sides so you dont fall off.. with one of these thngs in the middle.. so i was trying to go up and do a 5-0 to like a small nosegrind/nose tap up the side of the railing to a tailstall, didn't land it but was coming close, i'll have it soon.
  15. false, not fat, but the booze is starting to take a toll. edit: scratch that question, person below hasnt gotten shit faced in a while.
  16. haha exactly. you don't even have to think, its just automatically registers in your head as DO NOT WANT.
  17. i called this half way through at a particular scene and turned out to be right, but it was one of those, im gonna call it but im not cause i dont wanna be wrong haha. so i let the story play out and see how it went. it was alright.
  18. ha, definitely never fun. i was wearing a sleeveless shirt to so i was like fuuuck if i fall at the bottom of this im losing some serious arm muscle. would have been road rash city. my buddy tried to acid drop off something into the hill and fell and slid for like a foot or 2 and the scraping sound it made put it into perspective what it would of been like to fall going top speed at the bottom. i used to get bad speed wobble on this pretty steep hill by this old park we used to go to, you'd bomb this hill and it would bring you right to the train station. the only catch was there was a 2way stop at the bottom of the hill and it wasn't in your favor. so you had to pray to whatever the fuck you wanted that you wouldn't get smashed by a car, cause it would have been all over for you if you did. that was some fun and real scary shit. but everytime you made it you were like IM INVINCIBLE MUHAHA! one time i had to dive off my board over the sidewalk and roll out the rest of the hill on peoples front yards, haha.
  19. was skating this pretty ill spot over the weekend, it was this ledge that when you landed it was into this steep ass hill, by the time you hit the bottom we had to have been doing atleast like 30mph. it doesn't look that bad when your riding up to it, but once you start going up the hill and you look back down your like damn... holy speed wobble. but you only got speed wobble if your standing straight up stiff as a board, which one of my buddies did and he he almost lost it haha.
  20. thats ill, i really wish they sold that shit here in MA. next time im in NY i might have to load up the trunk with 30 packs haha.
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