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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. the kids i've seen at shows the past few i've gone to would never have lasted 10 years ago, i miss fearing a knuckle sandwhich to the teeth at shows. the anger just isn't there anymore, nows its all about being peacefully angry and shit. gay.
  2. i've grown to appreciate terror over the years. its corny when he starts doing mosh calls i'll admit, haha. but lowest of the low is a awesome cd, the one after that wasn't to bad either.
  3. god damn californians and your god damn skaters giving away free shit. i want some free hidden shit.
  4. actually i guess i just wanna know when it is.. edit: i just found the dates.
  5. who was the one with info on this is hardcore, could you post that shit back up?
  6. thought this was a cool andrew reynolds vs pj ladd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGivoudggtA
  7. i dont know shit about the berrics, everytime its been talked about i've seen videos for that dark ass warehouse place, so i assumed thats what berrics was.
  8. haha what the hells that? other than 12oz, i check like 2 sites and thats as far as my internet exploring goes.
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ya dude just killed my buzz for real. that pig one makes me think of a buncha hicks in their garage like "adurr hurr loookit dat dare piggy squirmin like dat, squirm deer lil piggy duhurr"
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ya some of those are fucked, cool in a sense i guess to know how fucked up some people are. just further raises my point of... fuck people.
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha, thats awesome.
  12. hahaha^ 6. Infected i don't drink to forget i drink so i can suffer twice as much cuz in this world of pain nothing breaks the memory of your touch what was i thinking i should have kept drinking to flood you face from my mind but now it's over and i'm sober enough to know you fucked my mind love can seem like slow death if it's not returned you will feel your body and soul start to burn with desire and unrelenting pain the tears they cloud my eyes i bite my tongue till i taste my blood so you won't hear my cries hiding in my private darkness i put you out of my mind my fear of death being overcome by my hatred for this life
  13. haha, scratch the original post i made about this, i meant under rated as well, and i didnt watch that video above so i just assumed kris. kris markovich in blinds what if i think its in one step beyond theres a clip where the dude pops up and down like 5 things just to nosegrind this tiny ledge, it was funny though. pop, drop, pop, pop, drop, pop, nosegrind.
  14. that dude became a homo as soon as he left MA and Coliseum. he kinda always was, but it shined bright once he got to CA. Coliseum skate shop as officially gone under as well. not that it means anything to mot of you, but that was the coolest shop around when the dudes who started it owned it, once they sold it and all the team moved on, steep steep downhill tumble.
  15. by markovich you mean kris im assuming? i agree, real over rated. dude skates some cool spots. i always liked watching his parts in videos.
  16. oh ya and this shit, called this movie about half way through.
  17. haha. zdrips, nobodys gonna turn down a complete, thats on you to figure out if you feel like going the whole 9 yards. but if his board is just water logged, grab him a deck. try and figure out what kind of board it is and measure how wide it is. if your trying to surprise him snag his board and run to a skate shop and just tell them you need a deck as close to what you have, they'll help you out. grabbing his board and running to a skate shop and just basically telling them to mimic what you have would probably be your best bet.
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