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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. i actually just watched destroying america, couldn't find the good ole VHS so i had to youtube the bitch. running the trees and shit5 over is probably one of the funnier things they do.
  2. talking about bakers antics and shit made me wanna watch this..
  3. i think now its more tired than anything, watching baker has a deathwish was a task. a lot of bullshit not enough skating, terry kennedys part was seriously only 1/4 skating the rest was crap. i was watching mind field the other day and we raised this question, what happened to when skate videos were actually about skating, and not a bunch of dumb "cool" trendy little artsy fartsy effects and montages and gay shit.
  4. whatever it is its cool, makes some of these flicks look like fakes and like models, in a cool way.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear peoples of the oontz, i feel i should share this game cause it was pretty dumb but suprisingly fun. im sure i'm not the first to ever come up with this great idea but whatever.. so we got a bow and some arrows at a wal mart/target place, go where ever might have real cheap bows. then went to a semi open area, and shot arrows straight up into the darkness of night and scattered all over the place praying to not get hit, sounds very stupid, which it is, but it was funny and entertaining. we were also pretty drunk so that might have made it a little more fun. only one person came pretty close to getting hit, it landed like 2-3 feet away from her, she was not very pleased but was laughing, but hey thats part of the game right, haha. sincerly, the dude who always seems to have stupid, yet funny ideas that could possibly get myself or anyone im with hurt.
  6. i was skating yesterday for the first time in like a week cause of my ankle, and i nearly almost shit myself when i landed this trick. i've been working on it for a while, and finally got it evern though i had to do some quick thinking to pull it off, and actually made it cooler haha. theres a 6ft quarter pipe that slants down to like a 4 ft quarter, so about half way up the slant i did a alley oop back lip down the slant, and when i hit the bottom of the slant i tried to pop out and ended up getting into a back tail and slide across the 4ft part, haha. no hand drags or nothing, which surprised me cause every other time i've tried i'd lean to far forward and end up dragging. shit was crazy though, i had to sit down for a while and boil over what just happened haha.
  7. lucero shows are top 3 funniest shows i've been to, theres never bullshit, everyones drunk and just having a good time, and over all its just fun.
  8. wanted to skate so fuckin bad today, my ankles still kinda fucked though, hopefully this shits good by tomorrow. sitting here looking at my brand new deck is aggravating the shit out of me.
  9. ya its pretty goofy type skating but its fun, i kinda got the idea from that dude richie jackson, maybe not got the idea from him, but when i first tried it, it reminded me of something he might do, but he does like nose slap 180s up a wall to manuel and or something.
  10. so what, keep skating, i sucked wicked bad for like 7-8 years, now im pulling tricks out of my ass, shit happens. ya a nose slam or something is probably a better way to say it. i just defaulted to nose bonk cause i didn't wanna start making shit up ha.
  11. haha, chupacabra explained better what im saying, i wouldn't know what else to call that so i said nosebonk, nose jam or some shit works though, still haven't landed it either way ha. have a habit of leaning to far back and grabbing the rail, should be cool if/when i land it though.
  12. from that interview, thats a mean looking front lip, if thats what it is, i didnt actually read the interview yet.
  13. its hard to not notice a half assed transvestite on a skateboard. i kid, i kid, but seriously, tight pants wearing faggots.
  14. haha, you just see colin of arabia or something? all kidding aside though, infest....
  15. was that the same double that the kid on roller blades did a 180 over?
  16. haha, alright picture tyhis quarter pipe do a back 5-0 and like run into that safety rail thats kinda in line with the coping, and do like a little nose slap up and turn into a back tail.
  17. went and bought a new deck the other day, threw it on and went outside, 20 seconds into skating i roll my fuckin ankle, i hate god damn ankles. lately i've been working on these back 5-0 to nosebonk the safety rail to back tail on this quarter pipe, and also been working on alleyoop back nosegrinds, and alleyoop back disasters to 50-50s. i've been on a big alley oop trip lately.
  18. for being about girls, relationships, life kickin you and what not, instead of being all gay and waah waah, even though thats what it kinda is, this shit gets me all fired up to tear a building down, anyone else into this band? they're latest cd is alright, but these 3 are definitely better.
  19. aw come on now this thread was going so great, why you guys gotta start gettin all talkative and shat.. less talk, more photoshop and red text.
  20. dudes definitely got a ill style of skating to him.
  21. penny will forever be the king of mini ramps, weather he can hold the title or not, hes always stuck out to me as THE mini ramp skater. i've seen some people do some crazy shit on ramps that im sure penny might not be able to do, but still, penny.
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