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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. tried this shit last night, it was alright. beer is still slowly but surely growing on me. still down for these though
  2. i still dont think i can believe reach the sky is playing, if they are then holy shit i wanna be there.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, haha, i could have some form of tourettes, i swear a lot and blurt out and random shit every now and then just cause, it wouldnt surprise me. or i could just be loud, have a guttermouth, and like to yell shit and say random things. -boston.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear v5, your fuckin lucky man, ticks are horrid fuckin creatures. theres ticks everywhere up here, and they got some serious numbers this year. i've already seen way to many. -boston
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear fellow oontzers, its that time of year again, and these fuckers are out in full force, watch your ass and check yourselves. -boston loathes ticks.
  6. hahaha, i would have been to. im sure the people in church were appalled and probably all joined in on a prayer damning your friend to eternal hell, haha.
  7. haha i've bomed through grocery stores before. skating stairsets in a mall is funny to, it makes a whoole lot of noise ha.
  8. ya, i heard if you walk into banks with those one all sorts of party buzzers go off and streamers and shit coming shooting out of the ceilings hahaha.
  9. hahaha, you gonna skate with that on?
  10. he actually did a back nose on a ledge here in boston i dont think anyone else has ever skated cause theres no ride up for it at all ha. he might have used some plywood i forget, i think it was in fulfill the dream but i cant remember. edit: or maybe it was a 50-50 i cant really remember anymore, but im pretty sure it was a noseslide.
  11. ha noseslides, and 50-50s. muska had that shit on lock.
  12. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel thats a ill movie, i bought that shit on vhs for 3 bucks. saw this again last night.
  13. ps: thanks for all you throwin some spot ideas my way, appreciated.
  14. skateboarding influences so much shit, trends, businesses ect. a lot of people can appreciate/respect skateboarding/skateboarders. think of how many people you see wearing DC, Volcom, Vans ect.. that aren't skateboarders. i can't recall ever meeting a girl that didn't find skateboarding cool. i've said this before i believe but i also read somewhere tony hawk is the most recognizable person in america by your average person, meaning someone could point out and know who tony hawk is in a picture or something quicker than anyone else. a couple businesses in the financial district in boston just removed a bunch of planters cause kids skate them every day. they knobbed some other shit, but the main ledges kids skated they just straight up removed. think about that shit, skateboarders pissed off some company enough they had their planters removed, atleast thats what i assumed cause they disappeared the same time the others got knobbed.
  15. well un-busy yourself and get to shredding.
  16. 'the things your proud of at work' thread made me remember me and a couple friends who took machine shop in high school used to make our own hardware and sell it to people, it actually wasnt to bad either. we tried to get into making trucks but it was A LOT more work than we were capable of at the time. edit: not like theres much to screw up on hardware haha, but i mean it didnt really come loose easily or something.
  17. looks like around LES and hells kitchen is the place to be ha.
  18. haha, thats a cool app though, sounds real handy.
  19. word, ill do that. thats what i figure, im sure theres spots all over. i know a couple spots, but was wondering if there were any recently built buildings/plazas with new spots. either way i'll have all day to explore.
  20. anyone know any good spots in NYC they're willing to share, i'll be heading there sometime this weekend and trying to stay out of the usual bigger spots for the most part, cause i actually intend on skating and dont feel like being around like 30 kids trying to skate one ledge/set or whatever.
  21. i dont do it very often, but sometimes i gotta. i wont wear them if i intend on trying anything special, usually if im only gonna be pissin around. i've noticed you do get cracked in the shins/legs a little more, all them ripples in the jeans must work as a shield or something.
  22. for a long time all my boys used to say "skateboarders are not meant to wear shorts while skating." now we all rock shorts ha. every now and then ill think, how the fuck did i seriously wear jeans all the time when it was wicked friggin hot. dont know what video this is from all it says is alien workshop - heath kirchart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-LB01UYto
  23. false, although when i eat cereal its like 6 bowls of it so maybe i should step my game up person below thinks i should step my cereal eating game up
  24. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel one of my friends layed down on one of the morgue tables they got there and told us to put him inside the thing and shut the door. and almost instantly started flipping out screaming "let me the fuck out, let me the fuck out!!!"
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