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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD my bad if any of these are reposts
  2. i cant believe this shits still going, funny non the less, but god damn.
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha that is pretty awesome.
  4. some dave bachinsky video you may not have seen. that last trick is ill, thats a pretty big block set.
  5. abrasivesaint


    indiana smells like a slaughterhouse.
  6. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD always liked this part.
  7. abrasivesaint


    i liked cleveland. Ohio is responsible for some awesome music as well.
  8. i always do that shit^ especially when i've done community service and shit, all the dudes trying to be thug as fuck would always dick around and wouldnt do shit and they always got shit for it, some even have threw down over who was gonna hold a trash bag open to put leaves in it, shits retarded. i always just did my shit and got the fuck outta there, and never got hassaled by the dudes in fact they would always give me the ill easy jobs cause they knew i would just mind my own and get shit done.
  9. ha im not interested in that shit, i wanna see the actual battle commander.
  10. haha, i couldnt rock those diagonals either, not my style. it was so fuckin nice out today, i went skating for like 5 hours at this park up in NH, awesome ass park. real nice little mini ramp, nice ledges and hips and shit, nice banks, you can get sooo much friggin speed too, i was bombing at everything.
  11. haha, i was fuckin around, 100% sarcasm. surprised no one caught it when i said id believe the backflip 900.
  12. ha i preach that one whenever i find it suitable.
  13. dont mistake education for intelligence.
  14. everday life tip: posting the way you are is a sure ticket on a bullet train to bannedland.
  15. shenanigans. a backflip 900 maybe, but a tre fliping the carlsbad gap is just slanderous.
  16. that kid needs to retire that shirt.
  17. i've had a dude much bigger than that dive on me before, half the people around me ran for the hills haha. ya i havent seen to many bands pushing edge in a little while, they may have a edge member or 2 but theres a lot of bands out there that gettin drunk at their shows.
  18. ya, when i saw them with the OG dude again they didnt play any of the songs involving jesus or god, and i wont lie it made their set suck.
  19. oh ya, another cool piece of info i found out at the GAHC fest, Pete is singing for 100 demons again, last time i saw them it was the original dude.
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