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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. ya, weird city. i hear theres talk of a park in Allston, not sure whats up with that.
  2. naw, hyde park (the 2nd park) is the closest but thats still outside the city. newburyport (3rd place) is more towards New Hampshire. that pool is in the city though. this is the plan for the boston park they've been talking about building.
  3. haha. none like FDR, if they ever build the charles river park it will be, but they've been saying they're gonna build that park for 10 years. closest you'll get to that around for outdoor parks is shit like.. http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=3624 http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=2988 http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=1068 http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=1833 or nashua http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=1178
  4. thats awesome, the ender in that trowels video was sick. never skated FDR though, been to philly a couple times but never made it over.
  5. ya i dont have insurance either, so its healing the old fashioned way ha. that would suck if thats the case with your hamstring, i dont doubt that though. hamstrings are serious biz.
  6. ya shits weak.. im gonna be taking it easy for a few months. im pretty sure something in my finger is broken, cause i hurt it like 4 weeks ago and thought i might have broke it, and its still real fucked up and tender and shit, if i reach into my pocket to fast and it catches it kills. my arm is fucked up now to from a slam i took the other day, if i lean on it the wrong way it goes dead. no fun.
  8. HAHAHA. the hammer head (truck head) shark design is fuckin awesome. i started laughing so hard it turned into a smokers cough haha.
  9. really.. whys that? id say Berra was 10x the tool Thomas is, but to each his own. i've been a big fan of him, his teams, and companies for years,
  10. dear suki, i got a memory of an elephant, and was thinking of that girl earlier and figured id see if you rememebred that ha. havent been on aim in a very long time, it was actually probably that last time i talked to you. alls well with me hop its the same for you. thatd be awesome if you made it out here, ever been out this way? dear boat, ya NE weathers crazy, was it last year or the year before that we had like 4 days of 70 degrees in January? that was cool. dear injury, i intend on finding out more about this favela, i will let you know. -yo.
  11. Dear New England, its VERY fuckin nice outside, little wet, but nice. enjoy it. Dear friend's, girlfriend's roomate.. aka. Venezuelian girl. you're incredible.. smart, funny, witty, slick, sly, shy and all that good shit...beautiful, and even more beautiful when you smile, and have a rather nice ass haha. always showed me the Fresh Prince theme song in spanish, certifying your nerdness, word. you also told me that where your from in Venezuela, is in the hills and is 70 degrees year round... i think i want to marry you and retire to Venezuela and have so many children we'll start our own army to defend against the gangs and cartels. -B. PPS: Dear Suki, remember our AIM chat a while back? and you called me a "hooligan" for trying to break up this chick and her boyfriend cause he was a free loading bum ass that didnt deserve such a fine woman haha... ya.. found out she broke up with that dude and moved to Minnesota with some other dude shortly after. that coulda been me! .. that coulda been me... -BNIbeslacking.
  12. agreed. cookie cutter was a good way to put it. has nothing to do with money, look at Thomas, dudes got his hand in/ owns mad companies, and is old, and still shreds, with style. thomas can still "wow" me.. /nh.. but someone like Prod doesnt cause its kinda predictable, these days people expect Prod to do switch flip noseblunts and shit.. im not "wow'd" its more like "he finally did it huh, damn..."
  13. that looks like a mighty fine bum. downloaded some of this yesterday, havent heard this in years as well... good ole Soulseek coming through as usual.
  14. really dig intros like the one in this song. nice rolls and noise then straight into fast paced rythems and screaming. rolls into fast paces... thats whats up.
  16. haha, didnt someone do a ad for Cocoa Puffs where they used brown balloons or some shit.
  17. ^^ awesome. thanks. also found the song i was thinking of, this used to be up on the havoc rex site as well.. i can get down with a majority of the bands on Havoc records. have gotten a good amount of records from them, def. supported. edit: if you asked me what i was gonna do with my life when i was in my early teens, i probably would have told you i was gonna move to Minneapolis and be in a band.
  18. ha, with the final syringe going into the back of his mouth! in the one where the ex KKK dude is trying to be govenor or whatever it was moved into the house where all the slaves were killed, and the puppets come out of the painting and he says something like "i'm not afraid of you little Niglins" i fuckin lost it haha.
  19. damn dude, im very envious of these spots you post.
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