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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. cant tonight, i'm down to go somewhere sometime next week or sometime soon. i havent skated since October when i slammed into the quarter and fell in the crack, and i've been dying to skate lately. was gonna try and get a new board before i skated again, but dunno if thats gonna happen. i think my 8.5 is cursed. heard haverhill is cool, but sucks that you can only really skate 1 at a time. or so i've been told, havent checked it out yet. was thinking of skaters edge the other day, always forget that place has that foam pitt, and that half shell thing.
  2. that front board at 1:17!!!!!! i wanna skate so bad after seeing that, got me all siked up.
  3. ^ ya how was that? wish i made it. haha at grocery store shelf skating.
  4. completely forgot Jud Jud existed haha. was never into it, but still thought it was a funny idea.
  5. hand on titty plant! to fakie. that mini looks sweet, but slippery as all hell, i have a feeling that thing would kick the shit outta me.
  6. dun dun dun, dun.. dun.. dun.. dun.. dun dun dun..... dutnchhhh.... dudududun, dun dun dudududun
  7. ha, this shit sucked, some dude got a swizzle stick in his dickhole, i sat through this whole movie thinking, "this broad still aint naked yet... what the fuck."
  8. hate that MAC commercial kid, and this shit was predictable. there were also some loopholes i couldnt get past, no matter how small or insignificant.
  9. that was sick. sucks he passed. RIP. damn, had a great run though. i bet those workers caught a fair share of grief from kids and shit.
  10. too bad she didnt set it up so Uranus was around her butt hole.
  11. i love the part in that epicly later'd where he accidently shows up the Gonz trying to sike him up to ollie into that bank. not because he shows him up, because he's like embarrased he actually landed it before him haha. anyone seen the king of the roads for this year? the chick they find to look like Gravette is hilarious. edit: Nightmare, you end up going to the Sea Level premier? it was a friends birthday so i wasnt able to make it out. would have liked to see whats Fritz Mead and Brian Kennedy had going on, as well as the others.
  12. FUUCK me.. i got them confused. it was a Big Bebowski reference, refering to the previous page, come on now!
  13. should have SMITHed the whole thing!! thats nice though. thought that was Denver too, you people in the West make me very jealous of your skateparks.
  14. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES! also, the REAL Wally World is in ....
  15. ya, kinda weird but at the same time not. but im sure hes getting a lot more money so good for him.
  16. no doubt, if i passed out, woke up tied up in the middle of nowhere in Austrailia, and was able to get myself free (in the movie it takes her what lighting showed as a day or 2 to find broken glass in the room she was in, fuckin retard) AND was able to sneak into the room where the dude was holding my friends, and i picked up his gun, i wouldnt even say some catchy punchline like "dead man on the barbie" or some shit haha, i'd just put 2 right through his face. save the catchy punchline for when he's dead or dying when you can really through it in his face. honestly in that situation i doubt i'd stop there too, i'd probably cave the dudes head in with the butt of the gun, maybe even hack his head off if there was a machete lying around.. no trust, no chances, no reasoning, no fucking around. i win. crazy murderer loses. until the sequel, where I'M the crazy murderer.. DUN DUN DUN.
  17. first time seeing this.. i was told it was good, the rating was like 4.78... and i was let down. it was a good movie i guess, but it just had the same crapp storyline of -please dont kill me -rawr rawr rawr im gonna fuck you up -let my friend go, im holding a gun and will shoot you if you dont let her go, instead of just -Shooting you in the face, getting my friend and skipping out the front door yar yar -oh no the guy still killed us we're incompetant shitbags who deserve to get killed -oh no the guy still lives DUN DUN DUN.
  18. fuck yeah, reminds me of BAM's kflip at FDR from One Step Beyond. awesome dipping steez.
  19. that westgate part was awesome. really digging those like downhill runs hes doing, shits awesome.
  20. haha^ i know most of those dudes have sobered up though, i was just being a dick about it ha. what he get locked up for though? my guess will be drugs or assault or something along those lines?
  21. thats what Baker good for, taking talented ballsy skaters and making sure they fulfill the team requirement of becoming a full blown alcoholic or junkie, or some combination of that.
  22. i think it actuallly might be the one i just bought, Seven Deadly Sins, not sure though. damn i remember that show, cause i was pissed i wasnt there haha. solid line up.
  23. fuck yeah, antix coming through as always. CALL IN SICK!
  24. only time i had the chance to see Tear It Up i had to leave as they were getting noise going and letting their amps ring out, i was BULLSHIT. that will not happen again.
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