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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. dear earl, what movie made you wanna kick your tv? -J. dear bacon egg and cheese on toast, i've eaten you just about everyday this week, i fuckin love you. marry me. -Cags.
  2. been on a Irish/British movie kick lately. watched part of this 2 nights ago and couldnt stay awake, gonna try and finish it tonight.
  3. jay burton - sea level groton, ct skatepark yeeeess.
  4. that emerica skatepark roundup was cool.
  5. a broken deck?... ya that never happens.. a skateboarder taking falls?... fuckin unheard of. i'll skate untill my legs dont work.
  6. not even 5 mins into skating today i slipped back, and the inside of my knee hit the ground and the outside got sat on, heard and felt a few pops.. felt horrible, and is sore as shit. 10 minutes later my buddy gets hip checked by a 2 ft tall ledge. 10 minutes after that the other friend snapped his deck.. not our day.
  7. i fall asleep on my arm and wake up to it being useless all the time.. i usually just hold it straight in the air until it comes back to life.. imagine waking up like that and someones in your room about to slice your shit up.. one time it happened to both my arms, which was shitty, i was hardly able to sit up until they came back. theres demons inside all of you.
  8. buddy of mine was drinking with Jay Cabler in Knoxville, TN the other day. told me to look up thrasher covers from 83 to find him, he'll be the center picture.. and there he is.
  9. ^ haha, not the worst, it had overall potential, but fell short. but not horrible.. would i recommend? doubtful. never seen it, atleast that i can remember, which has left me confusted. i'll assume its horrible and will continue not caring about seeing it.
  10. the CT park? i still havent been to this shit i'd love to check it out.
  11. dear NOES, HOLY FUCKING WHAT!?!?!?!?! that is horrible, horrible news. death to all those to blame for such atrocities, and any supporters. -jcags.
  12. dear realism, lol. i've never been able to stay about past like 26-30 hours.. i end up falling into the closest thing and passing out.. but then again, i've never really had a solid reason to really TRY and stay awake for longer.. so that could be why as well. if im wasted i can stay awake until the sun comes up, but usually end up dropping a few hours later.. one of the last times i was like "fuck it im staying up" i almost fell asleep and crashed into a wall inside the tunnel. luckily it was like 6am on a sunday and no one was out cause i swerved like 3 lanes before i regained myself.. no bueno. -cags.
  13. dear stoned animal, good luck to your friend. -cags dear eye, why does it feel like someone punched the inside of you, your making my eye socket sore, c'mon now. -cags.
  14. lol, pinball park is a fuckin sweet idea.
  15. thats a good point ha. twas probably just my dislike for Bale that clouded my judgement of his character.
  16. i couldnt get over his trying to be east LA voice, it made me think that he was studying that white dude from American Me thats with the mexicans which always bothers me. other than that i guess he was good. something about him though that makes me still think hes a doucher. edit: im sure some of you have noticed i can be pretty over critical about movies though, especially while drunk. sometimes i cant get past the smallest little shit details, other times i dont give a shit.
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