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Everything posted by upup&away

  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD If you look close enough you can see someone jumping off the train at the last second....crazy stuff
  2. Smooth moves was a pretty fun game although it got old pretty quick. I feel like a goon doing some of that shit though
  3. Easy breezy. I myself briefly skimmed over the walkthrough and though wtf is this jibber jabber about? Once I chilled out and took my time I was playing my "back ups" in no time. There is a lot of shitty Wii games out there and Ive already saved myself quite a bit of money....Casek for the win!
  4. Ive also met a cool one. There not all bad. Just 95% of them
  5. Indeed. and a little ahead of its time.
  6. I bet Bill still managed to get dirty.
  7. Thanks to casek my wii gets more use than it ever has. SimCity Creator/Mario Kart all day
  8. I play daily at the local 24 hour fitness. All the brothers hate on me, they don't like getting outworked by a beefy white kid with a 3 day beard. Plus I get dirty....you can call me Bill
  9. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD you cant be serious
  10. This shit is deep. When the pictures are black and white it adds a little somethin' somethin'
  11. You shoulda saved a buck and done that at home shnitz. no hair havin' ass nigga
  12. I spent 20$ on one of those nasty detox drinks from the smoke shop and proceeded to down the bitch in my car. It was horrid. Antifreeze green with the consistency of syrup. I almost lost my lunch trying to drink that shit. I then proceeded to the dr.'s office only to find they wanted a chunk of my hair. Bitches.
  13. upup&away


    How the fuck did i miss out on this one? This game is off the hook
  14. Re: Thick Women Rule The World 2.0 <~~~~~~~ It looks like that last girl in the purple pants has no feet
  15. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Poppy: A cat that we picked up from the humane society. She doesn't do much all day besides sleep, play with any type of string/wire and eat her cat food. This cat has the worst breath I have ever smelled in my life. Her forehead is occasionally dyed pink to keep her ego in check. Still cute though. Penny: The cats previous owner was caught trying to feed her anti-freeze so we gladly adopted her. She loves harassing Poppy while she is mid business in her litter box, eating wet food and coffee grounds, maxin' in her cat condo and sleeping in the closet. Poop: We picked up this gold fish along with 10 others from wal-mart. I specifically asked that they didn't give us this one seeing it was a horrid brown color and didn't look healthy. Somehow it ended up in the bag and outlived all of his friends. I think were going on roughly 3 years and over time it has acquired a shiny gold tone. Despite his murky water he seems very healthy and happy. Honestly I'm scared to change his water thinking i might disrupt his living quarters. He's grows stronger and stronger living in his own muck and slime..long live the jesus fish. Binky This cat is a distant relative to both Poppy and penny. Binky doesn't live with us but I couldn't pass up posting the picture. Believe it or not her diet only consists of dry cat food and the occasional cat treat. Everything about this cat is large, including it's litter box. Binky claims its a thyroid problem.
  16. Paint fumez is a hell of a drug
  17. they wont be to bad, its just a matter of actually getting them. Last time they went on sale the trailblazers website was almost on crash status.
  18. Rip City is back. Watching LingLing get away with all his bumps and no calls down low drives me insane. Hopefully we can carry the energy from the last win to Houston so we can back home for game 7. The home crowd will be off the hook
  19. The after taste is pretty nasty indeed. I used to fuck with the until I took a nice long draw and passed out in my kitchen. I came to with a bloody lip. I think I hit my mouth on the fridge handle on my way down. never again. it's all about those womp womps nigga!!
  20. thanks for diggin up those pics bloodshart. Those little foil pouches get shit done!
  21. Living in the apartment life Im limited to cooking with a tiny ass gas grill on my back porch. Gas sucks! It cooks way to hot even on the lowest setting. That doesnt stop me from getting down though. One of my favorites is the everything in the tin foil boat method. chicken, shrimp, potatoes and any veggie i can slice up covered in seasoning salt and thrown on the grill...hobo stew nigga
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