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Everything posted by famecrazy

  1. that guy freaks me the fuck out.
  2. I'm not exactly sure what this means but I thought you guys might get it ...
  3. I know what I'm drinking all year round
  4. The only time I left the house this weekend was to pick up a pizza, and the only reasons I picked up the pizza was because it was around the corner from where I had to pick up my girlfriend.
  5. I'm still not convinced lil wayne isn't a massive industry joke on us all. Like some joaquin phoenix shit.
  6. There's nothing different about me. I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone. - Tommy Johnson
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqyIwZpr5y0
  8. my girlfriend and I are doing fine, we just had Japanese for dinner.
  9. yeah thought so, damn asians ruining all the fun.
  10. I take it their drug policy is pretty water tight to...
  11. I read up on the temple, it doesn't really seem like the way I had envisioned my new years. I'm more of a bring the fuckin ruckus kind of guy :lol:
  12. Is there a website or something with a Calendar of events?
  13. I'll be in Tokyo, and i'm sure there is plenty of wild shit going on I just don't know where it all goes down.
  14. I can handle the cold, but I can't handle wandering around a foreign city on new years eve with nothing to do. Plus, it can't be that much worse than Korea can it?
  15. I will be there for New Years this year, what should I do?
  16. If you don't know someones name punch them in the face, and walk into a different room and wait for someone to come up to you and ask "hey why did you punch Johnny in the face?" Then you'll know his name and you'll look like a bad arse.
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