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Everything posted by Grimes

  1. its like beer?...wtf,i thought it was like soda or energy shit..
  2. i looked around and havent seen it..maybe i should look harder...
  3. damn she should of just took them shorts off....
  4. damn...is that really Pores?...if so ya'll are some str8 up pussies for jumping that lil dude,i can see a one on one type deal but jumping him,bitch made
  5. RIP Fisto...mad respect...much love to friends and family
  6. i once seen a pair of Iceberg jeans with a $875 price tag on em,thats fuckin retarded,if i was bill gates i still wouldnt drop that on some jeans,shit dickies and 50 dollar jeans suit me well
  7. Grimes


    damn these are fresh,almost like mine but better colors,where did u cop these at???
  8. Grimes


    no offense but damn these are fuckin ugly,c'mon man,damn
  9. Grimes


    ichabods tight,i enjoy catchin his shit,i love how the skulls r always doin different hand expressions
  10. damn why r they comin out so fuckin large,oh well,there both jus pretty quickly done sketches,there not even my best,jus some recent ones ive done while bored
  11. http://www.photodump.com/direct/ChekOnes/ChekOnes.jpg'>
  12. not all that new but who cares http://www.photodump.com/direct/ChekOnes/ChekSketch481.jpg'> sorry about the size,if someone wants to resize it go right ahead
  13. Grimes


    you've obviously never heard of scratch and or ghost fills,keep it dirty ya herd me
  14. my suggestion would be to hit the books hard,then when u feel good enough not to embarrass yourself,then go paint sumthin,practice,practice,practice!
  15. Yo put me down on the 160 hate list,haha whata fag he is
  16. Grimes

    Yard Safety

    Railroad snippers,damn thas crazy,but all of this is very helpful and very true,so take in as much as u can and remember to be safe,good lookin fellow rail lovers
  17. She is a good reason why alot of male graff writers hate on females,cuz of shitty attitudes like hers,maybe u should jus stop postin shit on here...or jus stop with the shitty remarks
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