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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. ouch...howd you break a femur? p.s. you dont have to answer that.
  2. false...no kids. the person below me likes root beer
  3. Ok..so I have been pretty busy with studying and work recently...and this past year, i haven't found much time to oontz..also, i was locked out of 12oz for a good portion of this year so i havent been on as much. everytime i would see this thread, i would say, "i gotta find some time and read that thread..especially since it keeps getting bumped" every once in a while, i would randomly click on a page in this thread and become really interested, but just like i am with watching a movie, i am super OCD about having to start from the very beginning....well, fortunately i had a few days of from work this past week and was able to do some oontzing...but first i wanted to get a better feel for kir's threads before i started to read a 37 page thread from start to finish...so i started out reading the "the first person to guess what i have..." thread from start to finish...then i read the "oh deer! it looks like my night..." thread from start to finish..then i read the "self surgery" thread all the way through as well...and eventually, made it to this thread, which i just finished about 5 minutes ago. i've got to hand it to you KIR, this is by far the most interesting and inspirational thread that i have ever read on 12oz. /nodickride you definitely get props for volunteering in joplin and painting that mural for them, but you especially get props for making the trip that others just dream about...and you get even more props for taking the time to share it with us (including both the pictures and the youtube videos)...you've got balls man...ive always wanted to do the drive down the 101 (pacific coast highway)...and even though i live here in california, i have never done it...ive always wanted to do the west coast drive from socal to washington...always wanted to visit places like montana, wyoming, colorado, etc...always wanted to drive across the states...but ive always pictured staying in cheap motels and eating at little mom and pop diners along the way...but not only are you making this trip, but you are actually sleeping in your car and tent...hunting your own food...cooking up road kill...kudos to you...like i said before..youve got balls. i'd send you a package, but i dont think the post office delivers to sailboats! lol...i would offer to buy you a beer, but im sure you've still got a huge supply left over from that dumpster....not if, but WHEN you get around to publishing that book youre working on (definitely put the book out, because you're an exceptional writer /nodickride, and it would be a great inspirational read for just about anybody), i would like to purchase a couple copies of it. now that you're in san francisco, i think i will take a day off from work and drive down there to sail and/or hike with you (takin you up on your offer)...im in sacramento (about an hour and a half away)...let me know if youre down. thanks again for this awesome thread.
  4. blades of steel was a fun game...i would just start fights...didnt care about anything else.
  5. dear chubbs, a lot of back and forth arguments cG
  6. dear symbols, i agree! time is passing by way too fast! have fun in greece though :) cG
  7. dear christeezy, thanks for the bday wishes! :) cG
  8. dear smdoublexl, we miss you too! love, the oontz people dear CALIgula, so tomorrow is another year gone by. youre getting old. happy day of birth, yourself
  9. dear edoggg, you stopped in sac and couldnt even say hi?! cG
  10. CALIgula


    some of the straight razors that people use are nice (and expensive) razors..why risk damaging them with just any old abrasive stone? if it was a junk straight razor bought off ebay for $35 (gold dollar straight razors) i wouldnt care, but some nicer razors can run anywhere from $150-$600 (and even more depending on the etching and gold wash or steel quality--like damascus)...also some razors are antique blades (i have a restored straight razor thats a little over 100 years old)...why risk ruing it with shitty stones?:confused:
  11. dear christeezy, congrats girl! cG
  12. tried on the tiger eye version at nordstroms yesterday...its a really nice watch.
  13. does anybody know anything about the nixon 51-30 bracelet watches? is nixon a good brand for a watch?...do they last?...good quality?...etc. im mostly looking for a nice watch to wear with formal wear. heres a picture (and which is better gold, silver, tiger eye, or white?)
  14. finally got around to reading Fahrenheit 451...finished it last night.
  15. dear moogle, thanks for the link...i tried to pm you to thank you, but you have your pm's turned off. cG
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