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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. remote control! i remember that!!...one of the first things i ever watched on mtv. wasnt adam sandler on that show? i used to watch it as a kid just to see people get flipped up into the wall.
  2. well, it happened last night. i usually workout at a gym thats right in the middle of the hood...a couple nights ago there was a hooker standing right next to my car when i came out of the gym and she got run off by two pimps trying to recruit her. so last night i decide to go to the gym in the nicer neighborhood. glad i did, because as i left late at night, i noticed one of those black dvd boxes on the floor two spots away from my car....opened it up and found a brand new copy (not scratched) of 'swallow my sperm p.o.v.' "over 3 hours of hardcore action" score!:lol:
  3. had the chicken tostada salad at chevys for dinner. not my picture, but this is what it looked like:
  4. dear tdb, its going ok...im still waiting to hear back from a lot of places, but gotta keep my options open. cG p.s. stop procrastinating and get it done! summer is almost here for you!...plenty of time for 12oz :D
  5. during recess in my elementary school, 4square was mostly played by girls. we played some dodgeball, and a game called "double dodge" which was like dodge ball on steroids and was played on a full court basketball court. we also had a game called "butts up" which i dont remember the rules too. kickball was something we played every once in a while during recess, but was played all the time during p.e...we also had something like kickball in p.e. that we played with a raquet and tennis ball...kinda like baseball but with tennis equipment. i remember a phase where everyone played soccer for about a month during recess. for me, recess went something like this: 1st grade-4th grade = all about hand ball 5th grade = tetherball 6th grade = all about basketball in elementary school i was a lot taller and stronger than pretty much everyone in my grade, so i dominated in all of these games.
  6. dear symbols, with the way things have been going in cali (at least here in sacramento), im sure we will have a few days close to or at 110 by the end of summer. :( cG
  7. ^been there....i spent more time on 12oz during uni than studying! right now im watching prank videos on youtube....from the 'whatever' channel
  8. dear june, really? feels like july. or even august. im complaining. cG p.s. it was seriously 106 degrees yesterday
  9. ive been staying up late recently. im thinking of taking melatonin pills to help me get my ass to sleep.
  10. just finished watching short circuit 2.
  11. just found the name of a movie (actually one 1hour episode of a tv series) that I watched when i was 7 years old (27 years ago..back in 1987). the movie was called 'double agent' and starred Michael McNeal. i've been looking for this movie for years and the only detail i could remember about it was that the main character was a spy and he used to carry around a cigarette case filled with red licorice.
  12. Re: random thoughts yo, i just had the pink starburst drink at jamba juice....hella bomb /no homo
  13. gasface propped for the youtube user names. other than weighing yourself, you can always buy a bodyfat percent tester online...its not super accurate but its cheap...about $30.... Omron Body Fat Loss Monitor model HBF-306C(Black) ^search that on amazon youre gym should have one or calipers...and gym should have a scale too if you dont want to buy one.
  14. wow.....with the exception of averaging daily weight every week, this is exactly what i do everyday. one of my good friends (who is actually the head manager at a local gym here in town) and i were actually having the conversation about arms and getting them bigger...hes gained a lot of size especially in his arms in the last 2 years...he said next time i went to his gym he would write down his arm routine for me...i need to go back there and get the routine from him and post it here, but i dont like going to that gym because the showers suck..lol.
  15. I agree...supplements should be used for just that...to supplement your food if youre coming up short somewhere....unfortunately some people do use them as meal replacements. i remember taking a food science & technology class at my college a few years ago and the professor had a couple really nice slides in his power point...the first was of pills, the second was of real good looking foods, the third was of powders, the fourth was of really delicious looking foods, etc etc...and he kept saying "would you rather eat this? (showing different pills and stuff) or this (showing fruits vegetables meats etc)?"...he made a good point, but obviously if youre shooting for 150 g of protein throughout the day and just cant get enough through meals, a protein shake wouldnt hurt. as for preworkouts, theyre loaded with caffeine and b vitamins...the amount of caffeine from a cup of coffee or tea is minute, but then again, I have to take a few scoop of preworkout to feel anything anyways, so im better off just getting enough rest and getting some good carbs before a workout from fruits..and having some motivating music on.:)
  16. yeah, i get your point. but i only to do it for warm up sets since im only lifting at between 60-80% of working weight anyways. for the next three sets, i use proper form with feet on the floor and go heavy. if i decide to do last set with light weights until failure, i lift my feet again (i actually just put both feet up on the bench itself). i have noticed that lifting feet into air makes me work harder to stabilize myself on the bench, and it makes me focus more on pushing up equally with both arms rather than have the bar tilt down towards the weaker arm which i see all the time at my gym with people trying to go heavier than they can actually handle. here's another explanation i found: By placing the legs on the bench, you push the pelvis back into it's neutral position (posterior pelvic tilt). It's the safest approach, and is generally used to PROTECT a client's back. It engages the abdominals as well as the transverse abdominis and teaches proper posture. I usually do a bit of both. Do my own research and then look at a bunch of supps and see which one has what im looking for in it..an example of this would be that there are several types of creatine (different forms), but if say i wanted a supplement that contained more than just one form of creatine, i would get an intraworkout like gaspari's sizeon...it has creatine monohydrate, magnesium creatine chelate, and disodium creatine phosphate in it. What pre-med classes you taking?
  17. dear new job search, please hurry up! cant take this much more! cG
  18. the only problem i see is that he was facing the wrong way on the bench. other than that, benching like that adds more core work to the lift. i will sometimes do that on warm up sets with 45s on each side.
  19. yes, red onion is the only way to go if youre going to put onion on pizza!
  20. got a tv. and there isn't a lot of good shit to watch anymore anyways. i might catch something on the history channel or id channel. watch the news almost daily, but the rest of the shit is stupid reality shows. thats why im over tv....even movies arent what they used to be...not enough storyline and too much special effects and action. thats why id rather read anyways.
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