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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. just got off the phone with my ex-gf....so fucking awkward.
  2. dear RR, im a huge fan of nick swardsons standup!...it doesnt get any better than when he talks about going to his high school reunion as a ninja, or the time he got a happy ending from a fat old asian masseuse. and, ive been waiting for this show for the past 4 or 5 months, when he announced it on his website. but honestly, i am very disappointed....i thought the sketches would be funnier...i mean grandma's boy was really funny...i thought pretend time would even have more guest appearances from some of the happy madison people (like norm mcdonald, rob schneider, adam sandler, etc.)....but the first time it aired, i didn't even laugh. last nights episode was better than the first though....the diamonds for meat sketch was pretty funny....hopefully the show gets better. cG
  3. dear RR, diamonds for meat!! cG dear slim's momma, sorry, when i took physics in high school some 14 yrs ago, our project was making minature solar paneled cars and seeing who's would go the fastest. cG dear red, yay!..thanks! cG dear souls, welcome back! cG dear symbols, im taking your theory and writing a grant proposal as we speak! lol..jk cG dear RU, pics or it didn't happen!! cG
  4. false....eating dinner in about an hour and a half though. the person below me hasnt had nachos in a long time.
  5. dear chubbs, you rock too buddy! cG
  6. don't worry....youre not the only one. ive heard the soundtrack though....the song with method man is hot.
  7. dear earl, Be sure to drink your ovaltine. -little orphan cali
  8. smash snooki's flat brown ass.
  9. thinking about taking a shit. mass--have fun in psych man...i took one psych class during my entire college career and it was one of the only classes i enjoyed.
  10. dear smdblXL, hi back!! :) cG
  11. dear earl, read my response a little bit closer....word for word....letter for letter. it will make sense. cG
  12. dear earl, you Werent AwaRe of what happened with the people Running wikipedia? The peOple whO run that daMn website are assholes! hope you got it. oh, by the way...sushi challenge!!...when are you coming to cali? cG
  13. from top of this page down (and left to right of course): TS SST SS S
  14. damn....beat me to it! ive been to that pearl paint on canal street!
  15. oh wait 4pm eastern time....that means its on the west right now. and i have to study. FML.
  16. dear symbols and mayor, thanks for your efforts with the wiki page. im sad to see the people at wikipedia being such assholes for deleting the 12oz page. cG
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