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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. i would fuck a pale chick. it would remind me of necrophilia.. but id still do it. smashski.
  2. dear sm, i get laid a lot by 6's and 7's... ..,pro athletes get laid a lot by 9's and 10's. cG dear ssn, yeah...creepy love! cG dear seyer, i know i know....i get starstruck too! cG
  3. lol....its a tradition for me now. every 1,000 i hit, i post the milestones in this thread. lol
  4. symbols, most pro athletes are total douchebags. ive met a few. although brian wilson does look like someone that would be fun to hang out with.... ..especially after i saw his interview with jim rome on youtube! cG
  5. i love the new zealand landscape! i took martial arts with this guy from new zealand for almost 9 years..i remember one time he brought pictures of the property he owned out there, right next to the ocean...it was dope!
  6. dear symbols, oh wow....seriously?!?!? looking back on it, i shouldve went into professional sports! cG
  7. waiting to see symbols' new zealand pics.
  8. dear seyer and suki, ok...this is getting a little bit weird. i thought ya'll were just joking about stuff like this, but i think ya'll are seriously trying to stalk! :lol: cG
  9. do it suki!! i will go to the gym with you next time i visit.
  10. dear ssn, try justspotted.com he might have been spotted. cG *edit: apparently he jogs around the marina and chrissy field.
  11. heres the elephant being electrocuted...
  12. :lol: that drunken history was funny. was that george mcfly?!!? that history was actually pretty accurate...edison did electrocute animals....the last book i read (water for elephants) talked about that in the epilogue...edison electrocuted an elephant named topsy...i think the video is on youtube.
  13. its so obvious that theyre making fun of david duke.:lol::lol:
  14. i want to read choke by Palahniuk.
  15. i sure did....the story that still sticks out is the cop who gets his balls grabbed when pissing on that zomie's grave and the syringes going into him like darts.
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