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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Schnitzel

  1. finally it's arrived! no more bugginh the mail guys as to where my copy is..
  2. have you tried the dark chocloate versions yet... ferero-ey good ness with a dark choclate twist
  3. Fuck yeah1 we need to start raising funds for El mamerro to do fun stuff and take pics and provide good commentary. ( or failing that we could do it ourselves) who's the guy that used to organise the photo threads let's get one of them going again.
  4. ^^^^^ yes yes it is it smells pretty strong though probabaly not the best for your lungs down in them tunnels the sabotaz rape yellow is the best yellow ever! in second place is molotow dottergelb ( golden yellow) third place molotow quince
  5. why would being around people who need other people's help to quit help you to quit? when you want to quit and really want to quit you'll do it no sweat without the help of others. but I guess others have said that to you already. best of luck.
  6. story has a happy ending how did it get up there is what i want to know
  7. goddamnit when is my copy going to arrive? Need soemthing new to read and i don't want to read it on here. fuck the USPS or whoever is sending it -nearly two weeks since they said it was shipped.
  8. I may be behind the times but when did they bring in those new millenium trains with the sort of rounded fronts and the black between the levels? saw one for the first time today.
  9. are those pants what the stencil street art adlays wear? Those airmax TN's are tho latht year nice Dmote canvases.
  10. so buying that world war Z book. the other one was great.
  11. limited editions from tokyo- naturally they'll be in airforce 1 with all the shittest colouring
  12. Schnitzel

    gift ideas

    loads of toys for my niece. some giftvouchers for my sister to go buy clothes that she likes spraypaint to myself. "knocked up" DVD for my mate who doesn't know his bird is pregnant yet ( why his bird told me is beyond me) plus some booze and blackbooks to help him over the shock
  13. mc donalds is good for the mcshit when you know you're gonna find a toilet in a foreign city but other than that Mc skip it.
  14. it went through a low point between pages two and this one! at least that's what i assume couldn't read the whole lot.
  15. hate fuckin' weird bitches that roll up to your date blazed. ( i don't get high and while i don't really care I hate paying $85 a head to eat out nicely and then she sits there not syaing a fuckin' word and scarfing the food down like it's their first meal in months) I hate my fucking shit shitfuckingshithouse of shitty work. fucking rain
  16. ^^ woah dude must be time to stock up you're nearly out haha!
  17. holy shit hadn't schecked this thread in a bit and the latest additions are amazing!
  18. wow it was $11.94 to Australia!
  19. I like what i've read so far - good work! and while i don't actually know i've rad many of your posts. Just bought my copy!
  20. Oh wow i didn't notice the nautica logo on the set pieces that's great.
  21. mashed potatoes schnitzels cottage cheese beers
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