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Everything posted by ilovedrunk

  1. Weird, had the ones way back int he day and with years in the shop I have never seen those.. Thanks.
  2. Brick, what brakes do you have on that custom? (sorry if it was discussed on a previous page)
  3. Redhead is built like a jungle gym. lurk oner
  4. i just realized i have 5 too... 5 is in rough shape though and i dont think i have the cover anymore. the OS copy cover fell off but i have read that brazil story so many times over the years..
  5. i also still have the gasp joker and giant 12oz posters. there were 4 and i bought 3 and dont remember why i didnt want the 4th one
  6. i have two (and a copy of vapors). a beat up os gemeos one and another with an illustration of a 12 on the cover looking like it should be on a rave flyer... (i just went and dug it up and it is issue 4)
  7. the volume is cool but the geometry is all wonky. if i just wanted it to cruise and rie around the 26" volume would be dope. i wanted to RIDE this bike so i kinda weighed my options. i had heard good things about sundays +4 geometry for their 24 stuff.... i had this bike for a while and had a love hate relationship with it.. dope ride but not for someone coming off a 20 inch.
  8. i really like what they have done to the 24"... most of them just feel like race bikes and not set up for street/rad riding. this one feels rad so far... like riding a long 20" frame. this is the high end one and its gut a full odyssey set up on it.. hubs rims cranks and stem. i was a little bummed about a few things on the frame (for the pricepoint) but its a solid ass bike. i will probably have a grip of 20"stuff up for sale soon if anyone is interested. i might have a complete in GOOD shape for around $300 or i may just sell some parts.. donno yet.
  9. a lot of older stuff in here lately... figured i would post something new. sunday model c.... 24" of pure nohomo.
  10. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! its all the same rabbit. top pic is 4 months old last pic he is 4 years old. serum youre the second one to say the laser comment. its carrot stems.
  11. they are probably 174mm. most stock pinch bolt cranks are 175s. im 6 foot with a size 11 shoe and run 165mm cranks with pegs and dont get caught. the 165 feels weird at first but goes away.
  12. run shorter cranks! or possibly lower profile pegs.
  13. ilovedrunk


    in 15 years of on and off bike shop jobs selling all different brands of bikes i can honestly say without hesitation i have seen more issues with scott bicycles than any other brand i have sold. the newer stuff (since moving to round tubing instead of the hydro formed stuff) i have seen far less issues though. mountain and road "cheap" and expensive... factory head tube cracks, cracks at welds in rear triangles, cracked seat stay on an addict (carbon), a folded in half (twisted sideways) aluminum frame, others... the factory issues were no problem but MOST of those other frames were NOT warrantied and the amazing "crash replacement" program was offered. the company i work for now apparently has a limited life time deal with scott on their frames but im not sure how that works or what the details are.
  14. i hate drinking. my name before this one was ilovebikinis before that i dont remember because it was the early 90s.
  15. her bush is bald but her legs are so hairy!
  16. ilovedrunk


    neil harrington rode for the park i worked for and he worked at the park i worked at so that made me his boss.. he is like 6 6 and looks like quenton tarrintino (however you spell it).. he is a cool guy
  17. ilovedrunk


    nice bike al gore... but in this thread if it isnt a 700 c it just isnt a bike... unfortunately
  18. warm weather shiiiiiiiiiit i had a hoody on.... haha texas is the california of the south or something third coast
  19. my day off in the life nothing TOO exciting and most probably wont be too stoked on my travels of the day. i started out the day playing some playstation but mothafuckas was stealin turns n shit. breakfast for her pick up tha whip.... as odd as it is only two people live in this apartment. from right to left, frame and parts, my bike, the ladies bike, a flat land bike, and her art bike seen here: breakfast since i couldnt really find anything beautiful day in what appears to be new mexico or arizona not texas i live in san antonio texas and sa is basically built on a giant series of rocks. due to the ground being made of stone every time it rains the streets flood. it doesnt rain often but when it does shit can get critical. to control this sa has a variety of concrete ditches to ride and 3 of them are within a bike ride from my apartment. to hit all three is a journey but with the lady in austin and no food in my belly i might as well hit them up and some food in the process. i was just using her point and shoot jobber so some of these arent awesome this bridge is actually much cooler than it looks here.. whats texas without barbed wire and cactus this ditch is called sonic ditch... its a good one these kids were here when i got there. hours later there was probably 15 or 20 people skating this thing.. if it cost monty to skate it people would pay.. its fun.. its hard to tell but there is a bank you cant see because of the shadows.. this seemed like a good idea at the time... its really far down. i go all the way down the street im on for most of the trek im on but yea.. you cant really tell how far.. this ditch is SUPER fun. its been in bmx and skateboard magazines and has so much to offer. its under I10 and I10 runs through a lot or all of texas.. after leaving that spot i rode a good distance to a barnes and noble to chill. this whole time ive been riding i have been looking for a place to eat. the only place that caught my eye was freebirds. a really good burrito joint but the lady and i eat it all the time and i dont want to kill it. so i press on. when i get to the book store my homie nick is working and hooks it up with a tea on the house so far ive been riding for miles and miles and "riding" the ditches doing "freestyle maneuvers" while im there and all i have in me so far is a dose of caffeine and then a spot of green tea. needless to say the tank is running empty and i need substance. there is on more ditch to go but by the time i get to it im so hungry i dont even ride it.. the only thing worth using there is a small hip and there were two kids already there and i didnt want to wait in line to ride something thats only fun if its empty. i ended up right back where i started at the sonic ditch eating at you guessed it sonic thats a vanilla dr pepper in case you were wondering.. now im sitting here posting and i'll be watching court tv and doodling the rest of the night probably.
  20. ilovedrunk


    the Novocaine had a warning on it that basically read "if you swallow this your heart will stop, dont swallow"...
  21. ilovedrunk


    they gave me novacaine to gargle my throat was so bad... i got it like the 2nd week of summer and i got well a week or so before i started highschool. i had it for almost 3 months.. i had 3 weeks of 103 temp and went outside prolly 4 times that summer. the good news is i built a badass complete bmx bike from scratch that summer so the ups man was my best friend. the bad news is starting school pale as a ghost and all your friends asking what the hell is wrong with you...
  22. lots of rabbit love in here we've had her about three weeks she is a bit bigger now than in the photos... she uses a litter box she follows you around the house. she is funny as shit and i never thought i would like a rabbit being i am a dog lover. but khaki is a badass.
  23. pictures were taken for silly myspace actions but what the heck... we wanted a dog but the apartments a little small... "im in yer houz robbin yer shit"
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