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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. whats with the bullshit.... starz for hero, nice work..
  2. ^ thats pretty cool...not too gangsta
  3. some kid i knew commited suicide too, he od'd, pretty crazy...
  4. gates - im feelin that throw, nice and simple...fuck school
  5. i had a bad fucking day, school is shitty...teachers are fucking dickheads, boring as hell...all i got to do there is draw and zone out.. why write//pissed off.
  6. here are my votes: RUKUS - Slyde FORGE - Forge2(1) DUKE - Kooter EAST/WEST COAST - Starzabove damn ceito you killed it with that sketch, i fucking love it...nice work
  7. so here is whats going on my hamburgers - lettuce - onion - ketchup i dont like cheese on it, and i might put a slice of tomato....
  8. wuttup k-bats....my last day of being free....im starving and im having hamburgers for dinner, any choice of what to put on them?
  9. whoa havent been on in about a week or so.....very fucking shitty...only have 1 more free day of no school.....then school starts again, mother fucker what a bitch
  10. shit, hot fucking posts on the last few pages....thx for the ups you know your lovin the hilary duff/seih combo
  11. yo wuttup iquit, welcome back to the funk, wheres the flicks at?? :crazy:
  12. ^ that bitch is kinda good looking, id hit it...yeah, those tv shirts are fucking ill...i wonder how heavy they are..thats gonna be the next trend, you watch...remember 'why write?' called it PAGE 112
  13. its 9:21 PM and im watching the VMA's cause im bored
  14. ^ i enjoyed the first painted flick...nice style
  15. ^ i agree, i think that shit is dumb... if you want to put that ribbon on your car, then go join the army cause that yellow ribbon aint helpin us out
  16. im feelin it BANK, just dont double outline your whole piece, 1 color around the whole thing is cool....thats just what i think, but if you like it, then you like it
  17. GrAVoNeR - nice work, im feelin them
  18. nice post, i like the head on the sign too
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