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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. http://stechniques.proboards7.com/index.cgi theres the site if u need it
  2. good luck with those root canals....i hope tommorow and friday goes by fast, i want a saturday to come...
  3. im still confused about the add attatchment deal..i duno how the fuck to use it
  4. ^ i have to agree with this comment..100%
  5. the first SKAT 'KAT' = flows the s doesnt [my opinion]
  6. MLTf4nt0m for other, im feelin that nice shit
  7. WONK SAGGIN. fast reply is the best shit...im enjoying the new look...getting used to it and everything...def a good update
  8. good luck...and can someone recomend a song for me to download preferbly old hip hop?
  9. why write?


    i painted these myself because i was bored...hah
  10. whoa fast reply...that shit is fucking hot...i need to figure out the attatchments now...damn 12oz revolution
  11. what does the Fast Reply do? this new 12oz is crazy how do u attach images?
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...us/default.mspx
  13. im picking up a 90 lumina tommorow...all brand new parts :)
  14. i sent out all the stickers i owed to people...;)
  15. well...im going on a trip, and thats all i have to say
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