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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. why write?


    i like those black reeboks..nice and simple..and black.
  2. i got a 'UHHHHHHHH WHYD U DO THAt, I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT Blah blah blah' but you know it, the night after i was getting head again..hah...im off to my bed....good-night.
  3. they werent naked....or half naked, just 1 underwear shot and some cleavage....and it was my bday and i was having some fun
  4. page 152 and its not going to contain any pictures of hail....if you hadn't closed my b-day thread there could of been more later on the next day
  5. i deleted them all....so i can make room for other porn videos
  6. hah i got this NY Finest graff video with some irish guy saying 'i hate niggers' hah
  7. my check is............ ................ .................
  8. i hate commercials.... ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ JOLLY RANCHER POLL ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ -vote for your favorite flavor jolly rancher! mine = blue raspberry
  9. school makes me angry...anyway wattup kb? cant wait for 2:00 to come....need to get out of this jailhouse
  10. we should have another list of all the KB members, i got a idea...
  11. yeah...thanks for the advice of chinese pizza although i dont know what that is, i stuck with french toast crunch or whatever u call it cereal
  12. okay..im on my last part of my essay...its like 7 pages cause im wierd, but im stuck on one part and i need someones opinion, there are bullets on what to write about. On the last few bullets are quotes from a movie and im not sure if I need to write about the quotes, do i state the quotes and write about them, or do i just say my opinion.....im stumped and starving
  13. yeah..chicken is good, but im thinking something easy and quick to make..maybe cereal...but maybe like a tv dinner
  14. i wanna find a paper but i need to write about specific things, like this video and martha stewart and my 'fake' stock expierience
  15. just an update: 1 paragraph done...and thats not even 1/4 of what i need to do.. fuck
  16. fuck im pissed....gotta write a 3 page report on stock exchange...fuck fuck
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