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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. keep 'em....just to enhance the knightbat funk and maybe he will contribute pictures of tits....maybe you can harass him about tits
  2. fuck lohan, fuck freckles near the pussy area...yuck, hillary duff is a hottie and id bang her over lohan any day....
  3. wattup k-bats...got a new blackbook and a sweatshirt for my bday from hail...not a threesome though..but its okay...this weekend was pretty good...but now its monday again...fuck monday
  4. nothing goin on yet today...my friday night = two thumbs up, except i almost died....i was driving and a speeding bus almost hit me, shit was scary...other then that nothing much just chilled with hail and with one of my boys for a lil...
  5. hahahah that kid rocking pink...thats funny, and robbing clothes from the laundramat is almost as worst as getting busted trying to get head in one hah
  6. hahah thats pretty funny...i was gonna post some shots of her ass tommorow but now im re-considering hah
  7. hah thanks for the almost b-day...yeah i guess im gonna have to do without a threesome...maybe another day :crying: im not watching the game but im hoping the sox win..make me some cash...
  8. i agree with all of this....all i want is a threesome...i dont want any other 'presents' hah...actually maybe some money too...
  9. hah this is on some LOTR shit..dont leave al-mighty
  10. oh shit de la soul came out with a new album? i guess i dont pay attention to nothing...i want it!
  11. how beayutiifulll hah....the green one is the best though :lick:
  12. ^ i enjoy that also.... any bats on this early in the morning?
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