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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. orbit..when you gonna send those stickers like you said?
  2. bump what up bats...i hooked up my nintendo from 15 years ago and it still works...shit nintendo is the fucking shit, i can play that for hours...spyhunter, mario, some volleyball game, guerilla war, jackack, ninja turtles....yeah thats where it was at, and the best thing...no load times hah
  3. an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs." pretty funny.
  4. haha thanks for telling her, ive been trying to get her to for my b-day also hah thats pretty funny...
  5. dope post! the thread is coming back
  6. damn...8;03 am in the morning...bored out of my mind...whats everyone doing? i think KB should have a photoshop thread or something...you pick a picture to photoshop and whoever photoshops it the best should win...but im too lazy to start that off or try it....
  7. 5003 did you get my stickers? orbit i thought you were gonna hook me up what happened with that? get at me whywrite@gmail.com
  8. i defintaly agree...nice post orbit, keep the flicks going..this thread used to be the funk and now its just dying down....maybe soon i will get some flicks up
  9. hahah good prediction but i needed help with my computer cause i couldn't sign online for help so i needed her to do it... :love2: hah
  10. yeah i agree also...that home is dope
  11. im down for a colored in peice battle...anyone want to battle me?>
  12. i need a job but i dont wanna get one...lazy fuck i am.
  13. school on a sunday...what a bitch, its iite though i gotta go out all day to a place i dont want to...
  14. okay thanks a lot i will try it out....hopefully my problems will be solved
  15. yeah, shit has been like this for the last 5 months and its really pissing me off but i dont wanna re-format my computer cause i have too many important things on there that i want to save.....my computer is really fucked, i cant open icons off the desktop or from the start bar, only a certain few....its crazy, not sure how to fix it
  16. well i am officially back, thanks gliko...but i know its not adaware thats fucking up my aol but it keeps deleting something that is and before it deleted all the files i checked for anything related to aol and there wasnt anything that i noticed...so i wasnt sure what to do so i tried it and it wouldnt let aol connect so i just set it back...i duno whats up with adaware
  17. im going to try adaware now...hopefully it wont ruin my aol. if it does, im going to break something.
  18. yeah i know but adaware fucks my aol up for some reason... 2blazzed thats a great sig
  19. i cant even do that cause i cant even open one of those files....my computer is fucked, i need to open progams through like a AIM transfer thing, u know how you connect and exchange progams with people? well i right click the program i want and click open, i needa figure it out from there and im stumped
  20. nah i need to know how to access the control panel...but i cant open it through the start bar
  21. i need some help...how can i open the control panel without using the start bar? or right clicking on start bar...i have to open files through a window instant message where u transfer files from...can someone help me cause my computer is pissing me off
  22. http://stechniques.proboards7.com/index.cgi all u hadda do was look up in the therad
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